We had the good fortune of connecting with Cherrelle Pass and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Cherrelle, can you share a quote or affirmation with us?
“Do the RIGHT thing, because the RIGHT thing is, the RIGHT thing to do!” – Unknown

I love this quote because in a world and society the “right” thing has became blurred because the new normal is things that is not right. Ethically and morally we know what is right. But at times people will justify what is wrong, to make it right!

This quote means a lot to me because it keeps me grounded and it reminds me that whatever I do in life remain true to the truth and focus on doing what is right even when making right decisions are tough.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
This upcoming school year 2024-2025 I will be starting my 14th year in Education. I graduated from Georgia Southwestern State University in 2010 with my Bachelor of Science in Education with an emphasis in Health and Physical Education. During my time of teaching I’ve taught in 4 different school districts; DeKalb County School District, Rockdale County School District, Jackson County School District, and Clarke County School District. I have also earned my Master’s degree from The University of North Georgia and my Educational Specialist degree from Jacksonville State University.

I believe what sets me apart from others is the will to want. Whatever task or obstacle that has been in front of me, I’ve been willing to put my best foot forward. For example, I have coached two seasons of flag football while 9 months pregnant, returning to the field after 10 days from giving birth. I have also coached on a knee scooter due to tearing my Achilles.
I’ve also coached multiple sports from softball, volleyball, wrestling, basketball, flag football, and track and field. I’ve taken programs that have struggled and in some aspect made them better than they was before. Success in every program looks different in their own way. Winning is always a priority but understanding the reality of each program determines a lot. For example, my time at Cedar Shoals when I was the Varsity Head Softball coach, winning was a want, but growing the program was imperative. I spend 5 years there and my last year the program went from a tryout roster of 15 girls to 60 girls. When I was the Varsity Head Basketball Coach at East Jackson we made history by having the first winning season with a record of 11-6, we also made it the Region 8-AAA Championship where we was runner-up, and we hosted the first round of state at East Jackson Comprehensive High School. Lastly, I stated up the flag football program at Clarke Central High School. This program was started from the ground up with no real blueprint on how to move. Through prayer, guidance and advice from family and friends we are entering our 3rd season with every season prior being better than the year before. The first year 2022 the team had only a Varsity program. The team finished 4-6 overall and 5th in the Region. The second year 2023 we had a Varsity and JV program. The Varsity team finished 11-6, 3rd in the Region, and made it the the GHSA state playoffs. Finishing the season off in the Sweet 16. This year 2024 we currently have a Varsity team, JV team, and a 9th Grade team. The Varsity program is flying to Baltimore, Maryland to play a high school who started their program last season. During this trip the team will be able to take a college tour of Johns Hopkins University and Morgan State University. I’m extremely excited about everything that has taken place over the last few years.

Through God ordering and leading my steps is how I ended up where I’m at today. God opened a few doors that allowed me to be in the position that I’m in today. When I graduated with my undergrad in 2010 I could not find a job. I went on multiple interviews and became discourage really quickly, because I had people who told me earning a teaching certification in Health and Physical education was hard to obtain jobs and I should purse other teaching fields. I ended up working as a Girls Scouts registrar for 9 months before landing my first teaching job in 2011. I overcame obstacles by continuing to do right by those who I came across and putting my best foot forward at whatever job I had. During my time working with the Girls Scouts I was one of the top registrars for the area. Even though this was not my dream job, I didn’t slack at the opportunity to be the best at it.

Lessons that I’ve learned along the way is to remain faithful and if you want something bad enough, continue to work for it. Also, know that the seeds you reap you will even sow them. So move with sincere intentions and work hard.

There’s nothing special about me. I’m just an average person who has kept God first and I’ve tried to do my best in whatever I do.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I don’t have favorite spots in the city… Sorry!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to give a few shoutouts to a few important people in my life! The first shoutout goes to my family, my parents in particular. I want them to know that how they raised me, what they instilled in me, and the values they gave me are much appreciated. Because of them I couldn’t be who I am today. The second shoutout goes to my Husband, Taylor Pass. I want to thank him again for always stepping up when people step down. He continues to be a leader, a role model, and a great example for our children, as well as the student-athletes we coach and mentor. Lastly, I would like to give a shoutout to my extended family, friends, church family, and anyone who has every supported me through whatever it maybe. Thank you! From sharing a post, to words of encouragement, to prayers, and well wishes. I’ve learned that people don’t have to do anything for you! So when people show and give love make sure you acknowledge it.

Website: https://app.scoreboard.coach/d/429430

Instagram: coachcpass

Twitter: cpullen10

Facebook: Cherrelle Pass

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.