Meet Anthony Felton | Co Founder of PRESS PLAY Ent/ Co Founder of MIRGUNNAMGMT

We had the good fortune of connecting with Anthony Felton and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Anthony, how do you think about risk?
Growing up where I come from as a kid, coming from a dysfunctional upbringing, all I seen in my life were people taking risk, I grew up taking risk. my father was a drug dealer, and my mother was a drug abuser.
I was raised by my grandmother, watching my grandmother take rest. My grandmother was a hustler she was a madam. She ran a speakeasy..
So the only thing that I ever seen growing up was being a risk taker in my eyes in a positive light because in my eyes, it’s put food on the table and clothes on my back.
What should our readers know about your business?
My name is Anthony Felton, and I’m the Co Founder to PRESS PLAY Ent & Mirgunnamgmt
I believe what sets us about from the others is that my team being based off of strong family values, morals & principles.
The music industry can be a dirty, cut throat and ego driven business, & having my son as a partner allows me to still be protective and a teacher in character all at the same time, even though my son is the other half to our labels success as far as accomplishments and proper planning and strategizing and executing our goals, as well as my partner LEON , as well which is my brother from another.
I believe what we are most proud of and excited about is achieving & planting our flag in this industry to contribute our part in this culture of music that we love so much.
We got to where we are today from pure sacrifice, hard work and dedication and building strong relationships.
Was it easy….”HELL NO” lol
In this business, it is very prideful you have to, put your pride in the side, You have to be willing to always be ready to learn and sometimes just be a fly on the wall when you get in places these big rooms with these big executives that are teaching this game, listening to different point of views and strategies and then either watching the success or failures of some of these projects.
I, myself, started off as Fashion designer hired to come in and make the Generation now label merch into an establish apparel line.
Which gave me access to alot of A list rappers from the label and a lot of industry artist that I met along the way through my affiliation with the label.
Which in the same breath, my partners and I Already had an Establish label and management company.
I overcame a lot of the challenges, just by being myself. I ran into a lot of things that I didn’t agree with, but I always stuck to the bigger picture.
I have always been loyal and shown gratitude and appreciation to others and I just always stood on Business and never allow myself to be played with as a man and sometimes doing that can put you on a radar to be removed, But at the end of the day the WORK, will always be the loudest in the room.
What will always set me apart from other music executives is besides the fact I love the culture, I overcame a lot of obstacles that battle tested me for life as well as the industry. I did 17 yrs in the penitentiary and was an inspiring artist myself at the age of 13 teen, and I come from nothing and I turned my life around and was offered an opportunity, and I know that came from GOD, and that’s when my Partner (Son) introduced me to CEO of Generation Now Lake Morrison, and for 4 yrs I have been moving around with the label and Lake , gave me access to his world and it allowed me to further my career and connections and my own personal growth in the industry and business.
I learned that the only thing that matters in this music business is HIT RECORDS.
What I want the world to know about me is that Iam a man of my word a very dedicated individual that loves his culture and the future of our youth and music and building and bringing back strong self character in these artist as well as creating the next biggest hits that will inspire and motivate as well as enhance the culture.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
As for myself I’m a family man so when there is less work for me which is really never lol. I have no particular spots, I love to check out different restaurants that has great food and music which is just about every spot in Atlanta lol
I workout and stay in the studio, a good movie and wine and quiet time, with my wife and children & grandkids.
Trust me for me that’s the blessing
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Shoutout 1st to my partners IMIR FELTON (my son) my partner LEON CLARK
Shoutout to The CEO of Record label GENERATION NOW, Lake Morrison & Don Cannon, DJ Drama for give me my Industry start
Major shoutout 2’ my Mentors The Byers Brothers, Sherman & Mark Byers,
Sherman Byers, for the day to day building process.
Shoutout 2’ my team “TEAMAB4LIFE
Instagram: @theoriginalreddz
Facebook: Anthony Felton
Image Credits
Press Play Entertainment