We’ve been fortunate to connect with so many brilliant, thoughtful entrepreneurs and creatives and we regularly ask them about the most important lessons they’ve learned over the course of their careers. We’ve shared some highlights below.
Abree Vance | Fashion Designer & Personal Stylist
I can honestly say that being consistent and always showing up everyday, is key to creating the success that you desire for your business, team, and for yourself. Also, having the dedication, drive and knowledge of knowing that what I am doing is leaving a mark on the world and those around me therefore I will not fail. Read more>>
Ron Wallace | Retired President of UPS International, Owner and Director of several businesses. Writer, former police officer
Leadership Matters If I’ve learned anything during the long course of my life in business, it’s this: leadership and a values- based culture matter. They are the key components that set great organizations apart from the pack. As the president of UPS International, I worked alongside many types of leaders from around the world, and I learned important lessons in leadership from each of them. The great ones, the less- successful ones, and those who failed all taught me something. Whether they were in charge of small companies or international conglomerates, I witnessed firsthand what they did right and what they did wrong. I took to heart what those experiences taught me. Read more>>
Chase Conner | Tik toker/ musician
That being original is better than being the most liked. It’s important to make sure that you can stand out in the crowd and have morals people understand. I’ve never been the most liked, but I will always put my supports on a pedestal because they support me like I’m world famous. Read more>>