TV, Movies, and culture in general sometimes paints a narrow, specific image of what success is, but we know from our conversations with some of the best and brightest that success can mean vastly different things to different people.

Sadra Madonna Lindsay | Minister, Author, Gospel Recording Artist, Entrepreneur

Success for me is simple, in any area and in my life in general, success is being content that I have indeed done my best; in business, in my family and in all the other areas that God has called me to steward. Read more>>


I once believed success to be an external thing. Something to reach. External goals to be achieved. Something I can touch. Get this degree, this job, make this amount of money, get the house, the husband and family, the car, the white picket fence. Get all the “things.” Get the American Dream. Read more>>

Deisi Reis | The Social Media Flower

As a woman, wife and a mom running The Social Media Flower, success is achieving a balance between professional growth and personal fulfillment. It means being a role model for other women in business, while also being present and supportive for my family. Success to me is measured by the goals I achieve and people I help along the way making each victory even sweeter! Read more>>

Elango Thiyagu | Entrepreneur, Investor & Author

To me, success is the ability to do what my heart tells me to do. Some might say, “That’s easy; anyone could do that.” That is pretty much true. However, “It’s simple but not that easy.” That’s what I often tell the entrepreneurs I guide. Read more>>