We had the good fortune of connecting with ShayNatural and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi ShayNatural, how do you define success?
I once believed success to be an external thing. Something to reach. External goals to be achieved. Something I can touch. Get this degree, this job, make this amount of money, get the house, the husband and family, the car, the white picket fence. Get all the “things.” Get the American Dream. The blueprint that most people strive for. That was once my definition of success, until I became “successful” by this definition and felt miserable.

I had to redefine success, because I can look like success, but I rather feel like success.

Now, success to me is a feeling and has nothing to do with how it looks on the outside. It’s a feeling of inner fulfillment. A soulFULL feeling. A feeling of a heard heart. A feeling of a fed soul.

Success to me is living a life of alignment with my inner truth.

& aligning is simply redefining.
& living out my definition.

So today, I genuinely feel successful, regardless of what I experience on the outside or how it looks to others. I see through what I physically see. Yes, I have my low days, my low moments, days where the world feels heavy, but I have this underlying feeling that never leaves me.

That feeling is success. That feeling is peace.

This is success to me.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am a writer and a 9-5er, but my focus for this interview is my soul’s purpose and calling. My purpose & calling is to explore my soul, the unseen world and hidden knowledge, grow beyond my habitual patterns, expand, and document my journey through my writings. What sets me apart from others is that my experience and my writing style is unique to me. Each one of us has a unique blueprint and my life’s work is to align more and more with my personal path, while inspiring others along the way.

I am most proud of starting and completing a project my heart & soul was calling me to birth into the world, my first book titled rerooted. by Shay Natural. It was not easy to write the book. I had to face suppressed emotions I’ve been hoarding for years. I had to take my eyes off of everyone else and look within my own soul. I had to face my darkness, my shadows, my insecurities, my fears. I had to face the false parts of me to embody more of my truth. I had to learn how to love myself. & trust myself. I overcame the challenges (opportunities for growth) with silence, with stillness, with solitude, with nature. Journaling was also a major tool that helped me overcome any challenges (opportunities for growth) I faced on my path. I still use these tools today.

I’ve learned that whenever I feel lost, unfulfilled, empty or disconnected, that all I have to do is turn within. All of the answers I’m looking for is there. Always there, waiting on me, hidden beneath the noise.

Shay Natural’s mission is to inspire others to discover their spark, challenge their limitations, question their conditionings & to live a life in alignment with what their heart truly desires. I want to remind souls that the most important journey one will ever take in their life is the journey within.

This is what I want the world to know about me.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If my best friend were to come for a week long trip, her trip will be full of nature and food. The first thing we would do is hike Stone Mountain that morning and after our hike we would go to Huskers Cafe in Stone Mountain for breakfast. We would also hit up a lot of other nature trails throughout the entire week. I would take her to Ponce City Market to hit up their shops and go to Bar Vegan for some good food and drinks. We would visit Chattahoochee Food Works and hit up Hippie Hibachi, the best vegan Japanese food ever! And she can’t come to Atlanta without going to The Battery so we would hit a few bars there, eat some good food and hit up Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams, the best ice cream ever. Before she leaves, I would take her to Two Eggs in McDonough for brunch and mimosas and if she’s down, take her to my favorite herb store, Herbal Planet in McDonough so she could grab some herbs, incense, natural products, etc. I would want her to go home feeling refreshed and clear minded, so we would spend most evenings in my backyard journaling, reading, meditating, introspecting, sitting in nature while drinking herbal tea and fresh juices, and eating fresh fruits in the sun. Maybe even throw some yoga sessions in there.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
First and foremost, I want to dedicate my shoutout to my husband for giving me the space and the grace to grow, evolve, heal and transform. I have changed so much since we’ve gotten together and he loves and accepts all versions of me. For that, I will forever appreciate him.

Secondly, I wanted to mention some books that has been a major inspiration and influence in my life:
1. The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn
2. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
3. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
4. At Your Command by Neville Goddard
5. All of Rebecca Campbell’s books

Website: https://shaynatural.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shay.natural/

Other: TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shaynaturalwords
Second IG: https://www.instagram.com/shaynaturalwords/
Email: shaynaturalwords@gmail.com

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