Most people say they want success, but when you ask them what success means you get wildly different responses. We recently asked some of the best and brightest in our community to tell us about how they define success and have shared their responses below.
Yannique Ivey | Content Creator & Tech Girlie
I love this question – mainly because my idea of success has changed so much in this past year. Presently, I see success as less of an end goal, and more of an invitation to continue to improve upon who I was yesterday. Success, to me, means finding peace with where you are whilst embracing the discomfort that comes with chasing your dreams. Read more>>
Brandon Williams | Occupational Therapist
The word “Success” is interesting because everyone’s definition varies. Personally, I am now at the point in my life where I measure success by achieving goals not numbers. Family is very important to me; being a husband and now a new father I realize the importance of having a good work/life balance. For that reason, being afforded the opportunity to have more control of my time while being still being able to do what I love and provide for my family is what I personally what I define as successful. Being able to see my vision become a reality AND realizing that I am creating a space in such a way that my vision has the potential to become a legacy for my family takes the concept of success to another dimension. Read more>>
JR McHenry | Content Creating Radio Host & Entrepreneur
I define success as starting this independent media path from an idea hatched in the cafeteria of Tennessee State University, which was workshopped amongst my friends in our private group chat of the Facebook groups that we ran and managed. I never knew this idea would ever turn into what it has turned into as we speak today. The things I’ve accomplished, the relationships I’ve built, the experiences I’ve had, were never expected to be honest. I was going to try my hand at this and live with the result. I’m not saying I didn’t have confidence in myself, I’m saying that I didn’t know where this would go ultimately. When I put my mind to something, I do it and I do it well. Read more>>
Prentice Ahmad | MISTER U.S. UNITED
I define success by going home every month back to Florida so that I can be with my family. Many people define success as accumulating a multitude of different material possessions. Unfortunately, that is only one form of success and to some it still may not be deemed as success. It is in my opinion, success is anything that you can measure and achieve a goal. My goal is to always go back to Florida every month to see my family at least once. It doesn’t matter even if it’s for one day and I fly back home. I understand that you can spend a lifetime accumulating wealth, and material possessions and miss the opportunities right in front of you. We only get one life to live and we have to make it count. Read more>>