Dialogues, lyrics, quotes & affirmations

Do you have a favorite dialogue, lyric, quote or affirmation? Please share with us below.
My favorite quote is one by Nelson Mandela,” It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Many times we may get an idea or have a dream/goal and immediately we start thinking about all of the struggles we may incur or why it can’t be done. This quote to me means that we need to stop doubting ourselves and just put the effort forth to make it happen. For example, people wondered how I could master being a REALTOR® and a pharmacist. Life is all about balance, I’ve gained success by being diligent, setting goals, marketing what sets me apart from others, and staying focused on what I KNEW I could achieve. Read more>>
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” -Nelson Mandela I saw this quote all over South Africa during my first visit in 2015. Who would have imagined that Nelson Mandela, after being in prisoned by the Apartied government for 26 years, would become president of South Africa? Impossible. Who would have thought that a Black boy from the hood, always in trouble, would be walking the streets on Johannesburg when most of his friends have never let the state. Impossible. That is until it happened. Read more>>
Difficult takes a day, Impossible takes a week – Jay-Z This has been my mantra for years. It speaks to perseverance and the “no quit attitude” that I go about in life. I become obsessed with certain things — rather it was tweaking for photographic style, learning how to style a shoot correctly to my obsession with sneakers. It’s trying to reverse engineer anything I’m interested in, make it my own, and improve my skillet. By thinking this way, nothing is impossible. It’s all a matter of time. Read more>>