We had the good fortune of connecting with Latrice Pace and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi LATRICE, what’s something about your industry that outsiders are probably unaware of?
One thing about my industry that outsiders are probably unaware of is the amount and level of repetition and consistency both acting and singing require. People will hear a professionally recorded song and not realize the number of times the lead and background vocals have to sing the song over and over and over. Many times with a different approach and tone. You can spend weeks recording one song before the artist feels that it’s ready to be heard.

It’s the same thing in theatre. You say your lines over and over and over until they are memorized. When it comes to blocking a stageplay and memorizing your track, you do that blocking over and over and over, several times a day until the show opens. Even then, the discipline you must exercise to do it the same way every performance/show.

It’s not easy, but once it’s all learned and becomes muscle memory, IT’S SO MUCH FUN.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
The art I create is music and theatre. I believe we are all set apart when we wholeheartedly embrace our individuality, and that is what I do with my music and acting. With my music, I write and create my own songs that are specifically for my voice, my tones, it’s my story. I believe my audience connects with that because I’m authentically being myself. I’m creative, optimistic, and love to have fun and smile, so my music and acting will almost always inspire or evoke one of those emotions/feelings.

Getting to where I am today was not easy, but I wouldn’t have gotten here if I had given up. That’s how you get anywhere you want to be. DO NOT EVER GIVE UP. I overcame my challenges by knowing, remembering, and trusting what God has said about me and his plans for my life. He doesn’t lie. He doesn’t forget. He’s not winging it; he has a plan.

One of many crucial lessons I’ve learned along the way is to wait. Be anxious for nothing, pray, be still, and get clear directions and instructions.

I want people to know that it wasn’t easy. It didn’t happen overnight. You will see the goodness if you keep going, never give up, trust God, wait on God, and OBEY God. I want people to know that I love God and I will obey him no matter what. I want them to know I am where I am and have what I have because I obey God. He’ll keep you ahead of the curve and trends when you do that. People will wonder how you knew to do a sure thing. It’s not you, it’s God. He is the trend; He is the curve. He is all knowing and the best business partner anyone could have.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Ok so if my best friend was visiting Atlanta for a week, this is how it would go. First of all, I’m an introvert so we aren’t hooking up until Thursday. A week is too long for me, lol.

Monday- I’m on vocal rest and have breakfast in bed every single Monday, so after my breakfast I’d meet her at my pilates class. She’s on her own until Tuesday.

Tuesday- Pilates, then I’m going home to learn music for Sunday.

Wednesday- Pilates, then home.

Thursday- Pilates, then coffee. I love coffee and a great atmosphere, so we’d go to one of my favorite French cafes, Bread & Butterfly.

Friday- Pilates, coffee at Momo Cafe. Shopping, Dinner at Houston’s,

Saturday: coffee/brunch at Breakfast at Barneys, Shopping, sightseeing to anywhere she’s dying to go, and dinner at a great Mediterranean restaurant.

Sunday – Church all day, lol then Dinner at The Roof at Ponce City Market. Afterward, we’d walk the beltline.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I have an entire village. I would have to start with my parents who laid the foundation by instilling a great work ethic, a good moral compass, a love for God and people, and showing me the importance of having good character.

My siblings paved the way for me in the Gospel industry, and my sister Shun, in theatre. I’ve learned by listening to and watching them.

My church home Elizabeth Baptist Church, Dr. & Lady Oliver for supporting my lead single, which helped to lauch the first half of my album.

Donald Lawrence for showing me what’s possible. For helping me to mind my words, think better, do better, want better, and have better.

The Wilson Foundation for Performing Arts and Sciences for giving me and L. Pace Entertainment, LLC wings.

Website: https://latricepace.com

Instagram: TheatricalPace

Linkedin: Latrice Pace

Twitter: Theatrical Pace

Facebook: Theatrical Pace

Youtube: Latrice Pace

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Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.