Legend holds that Cornelius Vanderbilt had built a massive fortune in the steamboat shipping industry, but then realized the railroads were the way of the future and invested almost his entire net worth into railroads. The gamble paid off and made Vanderbilt one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs ever. But risks are inherently…risky. How do you think about risk and how has it affected your life and career? Some of our community favorites share their perspective below.

Capri Ward | Creative/Advocate/Performer/Activist

I love a good challenge and am always willing to take risks. My career path is unconventional so I have to continuously trust myself and my decisions as only I can see the full vision that I have for myself. Read more>>

Karisma Brown | Country Singer

I served in the Air Force as a cop for 5 years, on the east coast. I’ve also deployed to Afghanistan for 9 months. I feel like I’ve always been sort of a risk taker. It wasn’t until I decided to separate from the service to do music, when I realized first hand. Read more>>

Laura Ault | Actor/Writer/Singer-Songwriter

I think Jim Carrey, one of my all time favorite comedians, said it so perfectly when he said, “You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” Read more>>

Olivia Williams | Artist

To me, risk is something that can either be scary or exciting. If that risk is more scary than exciting than you might be making a bad decision, but if that risk is more exciting than scary, you might not be taking a big enough risk. Recently I decided to move back home to Alabama and get a job to jumpstart my career and save up some money in order to do what I love, which is paint. Read more>> 

William Hall | People Leader – Personally and Professionally

Risks are unavoidable and inevitable. Through personal experience and observing multiple instances of those I know who have tried to avoid taking risks, one thing stands true. That truth is life is unpredictable at times. Read more>>

Sayvon Hemby | Clothing designer

What I think about Risk, Risk Is A Option what I mean By A option Is Risk Can Be Good and rewarding or Bad and UnRewarding. I say that Because Risk Is A Opportunity for Progress or Lost. Read more>>

Sara Sasic | Interior Designer

I see ‘risk’ as a challenge. Big goals come with lots of challenges, and approaching them with enthusiasm and the belief that everything will turn out for the best is the key. This mindset allows me to enjoy every moment of my career and makes hard work seem like a favorite hobby I look forward to doing every single day! Read more>> 

Shardae Shears | Multi-passionate Entrepreneur & Educator

Taking risks are very important to getting started. If you never start you will never know your own potential or the potential of your ideas. taking a risk goes beyond ones comprehension. Thinking of your ideas as a way of helping and potentially healing others can change the trajectory of just getting started. Read more>> 

Vedika Savalani | Designer + Fim Enthusiast

Risk taking is something I am still trying to figure out. But one thing I have learned to accept is whether or not it pans out, I will always learn a lesson along the way that is worth knowing. Read more>>

Jamlec David | Film Writer & Director

Taking risks has likely played a significant role in my career, by allowing me to push boundaries, explore new creative territories, and grow both personally and professionally. Read more>>

Jasmin Henderson | Fashion Designer and Stylist

Risk taking: I feel that everyone should take risks! Risks need to be taken to determine who we really are. We need risks to challenge us and to humble us. I believe that risks come with great rewards. I grew up a rebel and unafraid of taking risks. Read more>> 

Bibiana Krall | Author, Producer, Wildheart

Risk is the secret ingredient to massive growth. Learning to fail faster is an important part in getting yourself to the next level. I didn’t start writing fiction seriously until I was fourty-seven years old. I went back to university in Wilkes-Barre that year and earned two graduate degrees in a row. Read more>>

McPatti Langston | Professional organizer

Most successful people are risk takers. They are not followers and rise to higher positions because of their tenacity. I like change and I feel with my skill set I am an agent of change. Read more>>

Allie Hill | Actor

Risk taking is pretty much the largest factor in jumping head first into the world of the arts. Everything is subjective, so you really have to hold tightly to what makes your soul light up and chase that with reckless abandon. Going from majoring in English to Musical Theatre straight into a global pandemic was pretty terrifying.  Read more>>

U S Praveen | Actor

Risk Management Consultant would have been the career I would have been in if I hadn’t made the jump from that to Acting. So yes I do know a thing or two about Risk Taking and how to take them. Read more>>

McCloud Teddie | Director Operations Medical & Youth Mentor

I believe risk are taken by those who are brave. I’ve taken key risk all my life which has landed me where I am today. For instance, in 1986 I landed a job in security with Ga Pacific. Three years later I was an Operations Mgr. within the Transportation Division at GP.  Read more>>

Kimey K | Actor, Model & Influencer

I believe taking risks is the most important thing that plays into the development of your career; of your life in general. There’s a quote that I stand by, not sure who first said it, but it resonates with me— “If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be more than who you are.” Read more>>

Adriana Castro | E-commerce Content Coordinator, Customer Experience Specialist, Brand builder

Risk, to me, is a deeply personal concept, influenced by individual goals, aspirations, and passions. I view risk as the act of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, often involving tasks that we might not typically undertake. Read more>>