To pivot or to persevere? Or more bluntly – to give up or to not to give up? This is a haunting question, a question that has ramifications far after an answer has been chosen and it’s also a question that almost everyone in our community has had to face at one time or another. How do you know when to give up and when to keep trying?

Narah & Parker | WonderBox Woodworks Founders

This is a question we’ve grappled with many times throughout our journey with WonderBox. This work has always been exciting and fulfilling, but we’d be lying if we said it’s never been difficult. Read more>> 

Kachiuna Hughes | Entrepreneur & International Flight Attendant

I have been at this place regarding my business and career choices at times; it is never an easy decision when I have so many things working against me but I always choose to keep going because giving up is not something I can accept from myself. Read more>> 

Assata Amani | Artist & Musician

Giving up is never really an option when you are destined to create, which we all are. At times, things may seem to be a bit bleak but it’s imperative that we accept that those feelings are inevitable. They are some what needed in order to change and shift within our own journeys. Read more>>

Sheldon Dennie | Digital Content Creator, Freelancer, Model

Listen to your inner dialogue. What’s the story you’re telling yourself? It starts with being honest with yourself. If a goal, project, person, or business no longer makes you happy or feels aligned with your values, that’s where you step back & reassess. I believe if you’ve a goal based on what YOU want for your best self, never. Read more>>