We had the good fortune of connecting with Adey Getachew and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Adey, how does your business help the community?
Social Impact has been the driving force of motivation for every business I have created. Being passion driven is one motivation factor, yet I realized young that community impact driven work is where true joy expands. In the service of others, I have cultivated not just a secure foundation to be able to provide for my sons as a single parent, or just the fulfillment of exploring my talents and gifts, but collectively planted seeds to grow and heal community, with world impact in vision. As a child care provider for twenty three years and an indigenous Kushite/Ethiopian Shamanic (spirit) Healer, I have had the blessings of transforming lives directly in our community through soul work. Interjecting compassion, nurturing and spirit to the full spectrum needs of our community, from giving infants in my care their first spoon of solid foods to guiding elders in hospice care through their last breath. In every aspect of my businesses is the act of service. My work chose me. I founded Spirit of the Nile to offer life transformative and accessible spiritual healing to my community and the world (with the inclusion of international clients). Whether, suffering from sexual abuse, PTSD, incarceration, depression, physical illnesses or spiritual afflictions, I have offered hundreds safe, compassionate and powerful healing, which in reciprocation, transmutes their trauma into positive energy to out pour into the world. I later expanded to launch in addition to my child care and Spirit of the Nile Shamanic healing, Ori Naga Energy Healing attuning, which like Reiki offers people the activation and teachings of energy self healing techniques in the image and lineage of African origins to educate and restore representation and empowerment to melanated people through holistic arts.

What should our readers know about your business?
I launched my practice Spirit Of The Nile where I offer one on one sessions of life-shifting spiritual healing, products and education as well as Ori Naga Energy Healing because I prepared my entire life to do so. I knew young as a child exactly what I would be offering the world and my role in this shift. I let nothing or no one deter my purpose, not even relationships, tragedy or even a brain injury. During my life path of 43 years, I was raised not just in the knowing but with open range for of my abilities, I was able to develop, train, prepare and acquire tools needed to be a powerful and compassionate healer. I have always set myself apart from others, not for ego sake, but in order to have a clear view of my own thoughts and agreements.

I am extremely excited about this time as well. Although we are once again in the midst of world suffering and constantly under the manipulation of political tactics and division, what aligns in the stars is far greater and offers hope. In the cycles of the Year of the Dragon, the Age of Aquarius and the awakening of true ancient African spirituality, I can’t contain my joy! I have prepared my whole life for these times!

Yet, it has not been easy constructing and managing my spiritual practice. Balancing the purpose of healing and spirit with the demands of making a living in this society especially as a single parent, has not been easy. But luckily I have prepared myself for the marathon of life (quite literally with 11 marathons under my belt). The demands of providing and giving are always a tricky dance. It has required extreme endurance, unwavering patience and faith. I often worked 10-12 hour days with my child care business first, then would shift hats to my spiritual practice and session in the evenings with clients, usually a complete stranger. I was often tired or even had to show up despite my own personal events to manage emotions from (like the time one of my most precious child care babies who I raised was killed by a reckless drunk driver at the age of 4). But such obstacles and trauma has only intensified my strength when I applied healing tools and endurance, because it affirmed them. The more I provided spiritual healing and the more I witnessed miracles that Creator offers if I continue to work in the light of compassion, gives me the strength needed. We all have a journey to walk in this life, the climate of that walk might often change, might be rough terrain at times, or colder, harsh conditions, or even booby traps along the way- but with one foot in front of the other and with the warmth of God’s compassion, you find places of warmth and clear paths to reset and recover. Yet be mindful, life’s journey will have surprise obstacles ahead of the course, but also remember, applying ancient spiritual tools, pacing yourself with optimism and compassion for life and all things, you soon catch another sunny side a few miles ahead where you’ll feel the glow of the sun again, smell the fragrance of flowers in the air or catch a waterfall to wash away your tiredness, just keep going, nature will always provide, spirit can be replenished at any time and as many times needed. Soon, you’ll find your flow in the cycles of life making it both pleasurable and tolerable.

I envision Spirit Of The Nile and Ori Naga Energy healing to be a bright guiding light full of tools and resources for community and the ENTIRE WORLD to utilize in this relay of life. Hoping to recover the heart centered focus mindset and the end of ego driven society.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
In my view some of the most fun and interesting places to check out is in nature, art and culture! Friends and family come into town and know we’re about to have a soul filled experience!. Hikes, meditation by creeks, weed and wine nights, community events is my favorite flow and submerge in art and music. I’m not big on clubs but I am always good for a vibe at a local Ethiopian spot or a backyard get-together, an open mic night, community exhibits or festival, Black beach events and definitely we gonna cruise in my ’66 mustang feeling wild and free! They know the mineral spa visit is a must and the daily sunbathing is a given. I’m not much of a foodie, I eat to live and am satisfied with that, but as long as I am within good company, the energy is given anywhere!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I have to first give a special shoutout to my spiritually gifted sons for their unselfishness, their willingness to mission by always sharing their home and their mother with the community without complaint and for choosing to be compassionate and progressive young men in this difficult world, despite any obstacles they personally endure.

To my family and specifically my parents, I shout them out for providing and maintaining foundation, not just for my exceptional sister and I, but also for the hundreds in the African American and Ethiopian community who they have provided shelter, mentorship, safety and hope through their acts of service. Few of their ripples of love were exercised in momentous and selfless action, such as my mother being a Girl Scout leader and community chairwoman from my kindergarten years all the way up to my graduating senior year of high school. She was dedicated to exposing dozens of young girls of color to leadership, business, community service, the active outdoors and travel. Now she still provides to the community with her own child care where she has mentored mothers and families, even paid for some of her single mothers education and courses. My father who as an immigrant to this country worked grueling hours and still committed to completing his college education at Cal Poly Pomona. He worked overtime my entire childhood to provide and still on his only day off of the week, became a member of the Friends of the Watts Library where my father not only fought legislation to help the library secure funding and renovations, he volunteered further, he offered free tutoring and successfully taught adult Black men who were illiterate due to societal constraints and circumstances to become fully literate (even with English being his second language). He gave so willingly to new entering Ethiopian immigrants, that he gained a reputation. People heard of a compassionate young couple before even migrating to the states. My father would provide shelter or assistance upon your arrival to the states that gave so many an opportunity. Some would even show up at the door unannounced, with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Every action my parents gave to others, imprinted in my soul. The safe environment, selfless nurturing and time, the dedication to family, culture and their encouragement to always be uniquely me. My parents provided exploration with road trips, grounding with camping trips and most of all security with their consistency to maintain a safe and healthy home environment. Their affection and friendship is the counterbalance to the battles life has required from me. I am eternally grateful for their existence, and want to give them an extra SHOUTOUT to their 50th anniversary this year!

Website: spiritofthenile.org

Instagram: @ethioflower

Image Credits
(headshot photo only) – Jamarro Mercer @mercermillions

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.