We don’t believe success is random. Over the years we have spoken with hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, artists, creatives, researchers, athletes, and more. We’ve learned from them – both through their stories and through the advice they’ve shared with us – and it’s quite evident that success is more likely when certain habits are present. So, we decided to ask folks to share their habits with us, especially those that they feel helped them succeed.
Haowei Zhang | Filmmaker&Writer
I think my curiosity in other areas sets me apart from other practitioners. I am an intensely curious person, and I often spend a lot of time learning about other fields that are not related to my profession. For example, I care about fashion trends, or I spend a lot of time reading books about sociology and psychology. These things are not directly related to my major, filmmaking. Read more>>
Lamaria Studyvent | Hair Braider
Staying consistent in my work and promoting myself! Read more>>
Gerardo Becerril | Barback
Always find a way to get things done no matter what. And my work will always speak for its self. Read more>>