What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.
Tiona Savage | Media Mogul, Fitness Enthusiast and Creator of Atlanta’s Famous Sliders
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a priority for me. As a recently resigned corporate marketing executive, creator of Atlanta’s Famous Sliders, health and fitness enthusiast, and ambitious mother of two–who puts GOD first, I’ve been met with my fair share of challenges when it comes to time management and juggling the plethora of things that I find important. My priorities have definitely shifted over the years. The one constant has always been keeping GOD first. When I became a wife in 2004, the first shift happened, I now had to take another person into consideration with everything I was doing. Read more>>
Shannon Beshears | Stunt Woman and Co-Founder of Upijata Arts Company Nonprofit 501(c)(3
Work life balance is all about what makes you happy and fills your soul. My work life balance involves getting up extra early in the morning to finish my nonprofit or photography tasks for the day. This is so I can have the weight of the extra responsibilities lifted off of my shoulders and be more present throughout the day. It is hard to make time for play or for yourself throughout the week, especially in this economy, but it is important. “Vacation is not a place, it is a posture” – Unknown, is a quote I try to add to my life at least once a day, even if that is only for 15 minutes. For me, discipline is freedom. Read more>>
Peter Karpick | Visual Designer
Work-life balance has always been a bit tricky for me. I’ve consistently held creative jobs and taken great pride in my work. Problem-solving often kept me awake at 3 in the morning. Creativity doesn’t come with an off switch, you know? But I dislike it when non-creative work thoughts creep in. When that happens, I remind myself to put those issues into perspective. I’ve always made an effort to stick to set work hours – if it’s 9 to 5, I’m out at 5. After that, it’s all about having fun, spending time with family, or grabbing a drink with a friend. If someone’s trying to reach me after 5, well, good luck! Read more>>
Courtney Houston | Installation Artist
I’m learning more about how I should balance my work life and personal life each day. Being that I work for myself, I use to think that I needed to be in grind mode literally all the time. I would feel bad or like I’m being unproductive if I wasn’t doing something creative. I’m my own worst critic, so I would genuinely feel like a bum for having rest days. As I mature, I recognize that coming up with unique ideas and executing them can be taxing on my physical and mental so I’ve learned to give myself grace. Sometimes that means working nonstop for a week straight, then spending the following week lounging around. Read more>>
Candace Abdul-Raheem | Actress & Model
It has not changed yet. I believe that it will change when the time is right! Never rush your dreams! Read more>>