A host of factors, developments, and dynamics have made most industries more competitive than ever. As a result so many of us wonder whether there is still such a thing as work-life balance. We reached out to the community to hear perspectives on finding the right balance.

Diana Williams | Best Selling Author| Leadership Coach| Speaker| Entrepreneur| Founder of SoulFood International

My thought process re balance is truly unorthodox. I have found a new concept for balance. Originally I was taught that balance is an even distribution where- in I would split my life giving equal parts of myself to my career, business and parenting. As I got older/ more mature I recognize that there’s really no great need to find a “balance” as my family will never weigh as much as my external commitments. Instead- what’s now important to me is identifying and completing my “first things first”. This concept has truly allowed me to not “run out of time” as I used to. If you think about it, time isn’t running away from us, it’s just that we haven’t been able to skillfully map a plan that works in mine and the benefit of others. Read more>>

Petra Simmons | Educator and Stylist

I have always had to balance the two. For as long as I can remember I’ve worn “multiple hats” if you will. The task of course change but not the dedication to them, I try to be 100% in everything that I do. There are times this balance becomes difficult and it’s often hard to ask for help but I have some awesome friends that will step in when I need them. Balance keeps us moving, without that movement nothing will ever happen. Read more>>

Emmy Patterson | Artist

When I first started pursuing my art full time I completely dove in. I was either painting or planning projects for hours on end every single day. A few weeks in I hit a creative block and thought I might have exhausted my capabilities when I realized what had really happened; I triggered my burnout. After talking about what I was feeling with my partner and my therapist I came to the understanding that even if I am completely in love with the work I am doing, it is essential that I still take breaks and have an existence outside of work. I admittedly still catch myself over-working occasionally, especially when I’m feeling inspired, but I’ve gotten much better about managing my time. Read more>>