A host of factors, developments, and dynamics have made most industries more competitive than ever. As a result so many of us wonder whether there is still such a thing as work-life balance. We reached out to the community to hear perspectives on finding the right balance.

Annalise Kaylor | Wildlife Photographer and Conservation Photojournalist

In a society where our worth as individuals is often defined by “perceived productivity,” I often get comments about how nice it must be to have the kind of job where I can “just go out and take pictures of animals.” We tend to look at people and define their work by the visible output, not the input. For a long time, I defined my worth that way, too. Read more>>

Lorna Cheatham | Entrepreneur, Mental Heath Advocate,

The thought behind this business came from my desire to bring back jobs to the City of Detroit for disadvantaged and abused women of color, as well as returning citizens. I did not have a budget per say when I first began. But as I got more involved with the process of sourcing products I found that I had to spend some of my personal funds which in turn caused me to make lifestyle changes such as cancelling things like gym membership and budgeting my household expenses. Read more>>

Gabrielle Melton | Entrepreneur and Hairstylist

Learning how to balance is so fundamental as being an entrepreneur. My mind is constantly going with new ways to improve my business. To refrain from being overwhelmed, it’s very important that I take self care days. So I take 3 days off to spend with family and to take care of personal needs. Within those 3 days, I have trained myself to not work. Read more>>