Why did you pursue an artistic or creative career?

Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.
I always knew I was an artist since I was a little girl. The very first time I had a talent show at my elementary school, I was determined to put on a great show. I hosted rehearsals for my very first performance with two other young girls. In no time we became the cheetah girls and pulled off an amazing performance. Throughout my whole education; preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, and college career I never missed a chance to showcase my talent. Every family gathering, cookout, and function there I was singing. So I knew I had it in me. But knowing and deciding are two very different things. My decision to pursue my artistic and creative career was made much later in life. Read more>>
Being an Artist provides an outlet without boundaries for me. When I create Art or write I am able to escape into my own space. Creating a business allows me to tap into this creativity, while also having control over my time. I am able to plan work and the needs of my children. Read more>>
Like most people who grew up exposed to many works of art, I was also fascinated by art, which is ‘Animation’ from a very young age. In the 90s, South Korea’s cartoon broadcasts were mostly composed of various Japanese animations, Disney, and Cartoon Network. I grew up with these and had always enjoyed watching them in front of the TV. It naturally made me think “I also want to make that” and that is when I started art. In my undergraduate, I majored in art as I wanted to take the field seriously. I became more envious of animation in the sense that it conveyed content through stories and characters in a more holistic way, not just still drawings. Read more>>
I chose to be an artist because I love to draw and create. Art was the thing I kept gravitating towards. As a kid, I played sports and attended various after-school clubs and summer camps. While I had fun and learned some cool things, none of these subjects seemed to stick or provide me with as much of a challenge as creating. I grew up on arts and crafts, making beaded bracelets and collaged pictures with stickers, stamps, and colorful abstract hearts and flowers. In school, you could always find me in the art room creating or just being in the environment. Creating always brought me happiness and allowed me to explore on my own terms. Read more>>
I’ve always had a deep desire to be part of the creative world, connecting with people and making a meaningful impact. Communication, helping others, and storytelling are at the core of who I am. Growing up, I was always performing – from dance competitions and acting to school plays and poem contests. I loved using various forms of art to tell stories. My grandma introduced me to the beauty of creativity through museums and exhibitions, while my mom’s impeccable taste instilled a love for fashion. Together, we explored new places and cultures, broadening my horizons and deepening my appreciation for diverse environments. Read more>>
I grew up on the south side of Chicago in a beautiful African-American community filled with culture and artistic gems. Even the elementary school I went to (Arthur Dixon Elementary) was filled with Black art. The music program there gave me a healthy outlet after school. I’ll always be grateful for the passionate teachers/mentors that inspired me to keep creating and performing more purposefully and courageously. Read more>>
I decided to pursue my creative career in filmmaking, specifically as a director of photography, because of how storytelling has a unique ability to evoke a myriad of emotions and reactions from the audience. Whether it’s the joy derived from a well written comedy or the inspiration felt during an action packed sci-fi, storytelling serves as a powerful connection between the audiences and their emotions. As a cinematographer, I’m passionate about creating awe inspiring visuals through carefully designed composition and lighting that will resonate with people to create a shared human experience. Also, I find fulfillment from helping clients with their marketing endeavors through creative media. Read more>>