They say life isn’t about the things that happen to you, but about the decisions you make. There’s a ton of coverage about the best decisions people have made, but not nearly enough conversation about the tough decisions. We asked folks we admire to tell us about the most difficult decision they’ve ever had to make and have shared some of those responses below.

Daryl Reece | Stock Da Bar Vodka(Entrepreneur)

My most difficult decision I ever had to make . Was to jump out on faith. To pursue something that I didn’t know anything about and go forward with it. Read more>>

Christopher Sho | Comedian & Actor

The most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make is cutting off certain friends. One thing I’ve learned since pursuing entertainment, you cannot take everyone to the top with you. Everyone cannot go. The people you have known for 15, 25+ years, they all cannot go. Read more>>

Tiffany Gibson | Nonprofit Founder and Prison Advocate

The most difficult decision in my life was learning to walk away from what I love and the people I loved whom was no longer traveling the path I I needed to go on in order for me to maintain a healthy and peaceful existence. Read more>>