They say life isn’t about the things that happen to you, but about the decisions you make. There’s a ton of coverage about the best decisions people have made, but not nearly enough conversation about the tough decisions. We asked folks we admire to tell us about the most difficult decision they’ve ever had to make and have shared some of those responses below.

Ryan Gil | Owner & Principle Photographer at The Orion Creative Company

That’s, a great question because we have plans for expansion that are very exciting to us. Right now, we function primarily as an event photography service provider to to the Atlanta area, but we’re also planning to expand into a full scale media production. Within the next 5 years we plan on having several short films produced. Read more>>

Ashley Tolliver | Physician Assistant & CEO of Redicare Mobile Health Service, LLC

As ironic as this may seem, my end goal is to revolutionize medicine by getting back to the basics. By providing in-home medical care and telehealth services, I plan to close the gap on health disparities and access to healthcare by making it convenient while maintaining quality and compassion. Fundamental skills used in patience care such as listening, empathy, time and patience have in some ways become obsolete and I want to restore that. Read more>>

Nichol & Fosterchild | Songwriting and production duo

The most difficult decision we’ve had to make was to bet on ourselves and to believe that what we had to offer as creatives was worth serving. It takes the most courage to believe in yourself. It’s easier to put belief in others than to step out on your own. In order to better serve someone else, there has to be something tangible to give. The foundation of the person giving has to be firm. Read more>>

Ayo Weird | Dj Mostly known as Djweirdnasty”

My end goal is for my brand to be global. Want my just my name to be able to generate income not just for me but for whoever I collaborate with not just in music but in films and even technology softwares, just for the fact that I do have an higher level education in Information technology. Read more>>

Wendy L. Alexander | Cross-cultural Consultant and International Business Strategist

The most difficult decision I had to make was leaving the country and moving to Dubai by myself without my family. My children were in college and my husband was living in Afghanistan doing contract work. He came home every 90 days for 30 days. We have lived as a global family for over 20 years. I have always traveled to and from Dubai for short periods of time over the years. One day I prayed and said it out loud. ” I will have a longer contract, living in Dubai after my son, DeAndre graduates from high school.” Read more>>

Faith Cooper | Beauty Entrepreneur and manufacturer

The most difficult decision I’ve had to make in my business is to start and keep going. With my businesses, I made a risky choice to quit my 9 to 5 job and go full-time. It is very stressful to Start with 0 funds, but once you’ve got the mindset to just do it and promote yourself, others will see your strive and motivation. They will start to donate and fund your business for you to expand and multiply. Read more>>