What’s one of the most important decisions you’ve made?

We asked folks to tell us about the most important decisions they’ve made along their journey and have shared some of the highlights below.
Nurturing relationships. Every business owner should look at themselves as being in the “relationship” business. As the co-founder of a digital marketing agency, I truly believe in the power of building audiences online, but it means nothing if there are no relationships cultivated from there. Part of the courage to leave my full-time employer while starting this business was stepping outside of my comfort zone to begin networking and building relationships with complete strangers. Read more>>
The most important decision I made was to invest in myself. Investing doesn’t always mean material things. Investing can be your time and or energy. I like to invest my time into learning new ways to perfect my craft via YouTube University. Read more>>
The single most important decision I made that greatly contributed to the success of my now established woman owned and operated business, was to completely trust in my tenacity and my ability to fully commit without fear or shame at potential failure. In the first year of business I felt as though I was walking a tight rope with no safety net. It was terrifying at times. But the terror bled in to excitement, which in turn bled in to routine, which then turned to a shade of my new normal. Read more>>