So many of the folks we work with have multidimensional stories. They often aren’t just working on a single project, business or mission – instead they are often involved in so many things all at once and so we often wonder about what they themselves hope their legacy will be about. We’ve shared some of their responses with you below.

LaShai Howard | Boutique Owner, Stylist & Life Coach

When I think about my legacy, I want to leave a legacy of fighters and over-comers. We don’t always determine the problems that happen to us, but we do determine our response. I want to leave a legacy of those who don’t give up. It can be like they are in the boxing ring where it seems like they are going to loose, but come 12th round it’s a knock out! That’s the kind of people I want to encourage and motivate to keep going. I want people to remember me as the one who has always been a fighter. Sometimes life may have me with my back up against the wall, but I always come out swinging and winning. Read more>>

Andrea Furtick | Artist. Author. Creative Goddess.

As an artist and author, the legacy I work to leave for myself is one of mystic possibilities, creative materialization, and self expansion. Everyday, I strive to show up as a unique vision and visionary— one of whom illustrates a real life visual of turning thoughts into tangibles through the ideals of mental fortitude and the willingness to expand oneself internally. In the end, I want to prove to the world that magick truly does exist within each and every one of us… and it’s merely just waiting to be unleashed at will. Read more>>

Catrice M. Jackson aka Nyalla Mkale Ukwazi | Speaker, Educator, Freedom Fighter and Performance Artist

I want people to remember me as an unapologetic, authentic and inspirational woman who fulfilled her purpose and destiny without permission or approval. I want people to be inspired by my dedication to leave no stone unturned and to not waste my Divine gifts. I believe the ultimate purpose for every human being is to love and be of service to others during their lifetime and I am doing that now. While it would be nice to have other people recognize my contribution to humanity it’s far more important my descendants know the true story of their ancestor, Catrice M. Jackson and that they are proud of the legacy I left and inspired to pick up the torch to lead their own legacy. Read more>>