What principles do you live by?

“If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything”
We asked the community to tell us about the values and principles that guide their lives and businesses.
Authenticity. For most of my life, I was unable to be authentically me, to the point that when I became an adult, I had no idea who I was. That is the most beautiful part about my life now. Everything I do is my choice. Everyday I uncover more of myself that was hidden away. Read more>>
Hi Kenny, Let’s talk about principles and values – what matters to you most?
Peach Pit Comedy’s motto is “good vibes and great comedy.” Since we are running a comedy show, the number one priority is good vibes! My hope is that the venue, comics, and (most importantly) the audience all leave with a feeling of satisfaction. Read more>>
Integrity is the most important value anyone can have. As a person of strong faith and Christian beliefs, I must stand true in everything that I do. I also represent as a black man from Columbus, Ga, and roots in the Delta of Mississippi, I believe that I have a responsibility to stay true to my people and where I come from in my intentions. Read more>>
I want to always put out music that is uplifting and inspiring. One thing you will never find on a Kalil ROS record is cursing, violence, the degradation of our queens, and drugs. I could care less if that makes people call me ‘corny’ or ‘soft’. I can’t just say anything to make the song sound ‘catchy’ or have filler in there. When you’re writing for God, you have to really think first before putting the pen to paper. Read more>>