Happiness is everything. Where there is happiness, everything else is possible and so we asked the community to tell us what makes them happy.

Marty Mayes | Founder of Purposed Movement

What makes me happy is fulfilling my purpose, and helping others to find and fulfill their purpose too. Many of us live our entire life searching everywhere to find true happiness, but our truest place of happiness is only found doing and being exactly who you’ve been created to be. Read more>>

Megan Myrie | Graphic Designer

My identity makes me happy. The person that I am/ am becoming makes me happy. A main reason is because I love being a creative person. I love being able to express myself through creative outlets, but I also love being able to take other people’s ideas and help them to express themselves creatively. Read more>>

Leeshan Hyman | Jamaican dancehall artiste

Waking up everyday makes me happy. The reason is you get another chance to do something with your life and try to reach to your goal or find a solution for anything going on in your life you need to figure out so waking up every morning definitely makes me happy Read more>>

Quentin Lloyd | Actor/ Police

What makes me happy is being around my family and my close group of friends. I love to travel and meet new people. What makes me overly happy is seeing other people happily and. Having a good time. Read more>>