We asked some of the happiest folks we know to tell us their secret.
Amy Gelsthorpe | Bridal Shop Owner
Helping people brings me so much happiness! I have found that through my businesses, Everlasting Bridal, American Trilogy, and American Trilogy Formal, I am able to help people feel and look their best. Speaking about Everlasting Bridal, the happiest part of being a bridal shop owner for me is the moment a bride knows she has found “the” dress. It is such an awesome experience, and to get to share that kind of joy is an incredible opportunity! Lots of happy tears! Read more>>
LaToya Ball | Virtual Assistant and Operational Consultant
What makes me happy? So much, life, the opportunity I have everyday to do something I love and to know and see the direct impact, but what really makes me happy is seeing black entrepreneurs serve, strive and thrive! We have lived by everyone’s else’s standards for so long, but making our own rules, and using our talents and skills, to build on our own terms, and find true happiness and peace in our purpose truly fills my heart with joy, makes me proud and keeps a smile on my face. Read more>>
Makayla Miller | Photographer
What makes me the happiest with my business is shooting my passion projects. Doing those are both therapeutic and great practice for me. They give me creative control which allows me to fully express myself with my work, compared to doing paid shoots where I have to execute the clients vision. They remind me of why I started shooting in the first place. Read more>>