We asked some brilliant folks from the community to talk to us about how they think about risk and the role risk has played in their lives and careers.

Nekisha Cosey | Investigator, Pastor, Author, Mentor, Counselor

I believe that we will only be as great as the risks we take. I’m not speaking in terms of unhealthy risks, but good risks that will produce a harvest. Risks have been a big part of my life.  Read more>>

Asia Garner | Personal Chef/Caterer

I come from a family of risk takers. “Chances make champions” is our mantra. I’ve had a lot of success and even more failures/lessons. Read more>>

Trista Elizabeth | Motion Designer and Character Illustrator

A lot of people think risks are dangerous, and by definition, sure, they can be, but I like to view risks from the other side: chance and opportunity. Lately I’ve been relying on risks and chances in my life. Before university, I played my whole life safe and easy, and only took risks if I knew they were going to guarantee me good things.  Read more>>

DeChelle Tisdale | Realtor and National Media Strategist

Being a risk taker is what brought me to where I am in life. After graduating from Kentucky State University, I took a risk and moved to Atlanta with no job lined up, but I knew deep down inside that I was going to make it because I was determined. Read more>>

Joyce Kabuya | Entrepreneur & Incoming Art Director

I love taking risks.I see risks as opportunities- ones that either propel me or delay me from my inevitable goal. Not only are they exciting, but I’m so used to taking risks that it has developed into an extremely deep form of self trust. When I started my first digital marketing venture in November 2022, Read more>>  

Jacob Riddling | Fine Arts Painter & Artist

I feel as if following your dreams is and will always be a pretty big risk. Any creative pathway is looked at as abstract or unattainable in today’s society. It’s something that you want and yearn for in your youth, but the older you get it seems more and more like a fantasy. Read more>>

Tatiyana Bickems | Fitness Trainer.

Taking risk was something in my life that I’ve never really had to deal with. All my life, I’ve always known exactly what I wanted, exactly how I was going to execute it, and it would play out as such! Read more>> 

Traci Terrick | Artist Agent, CEO, Founder of Focus on Women

I’ve always been a risk taker. I never really understood how to work in the corporate environment all that well, and so when I left that world, it was without any job in sight and I just knew that I would make it work through my perseverance and networking skills. Read more>>

Annalay Ajooway-Tingling | Jewelry Creator + Business Enthusiasts

We all have heard about ideas regarding Risk vs. Reward factors. A common thought is the higher the risk the higher the potential reward. I believe that statement strongly however I think its important to really understand your own personal risk tolerance. Read more>>

Giovanee Welcome | Music artist and chef

To me taking a risk is the same as taking a gamble. You got a fifty fifty chance of success, but with no risk there no guarantee of any success. We spend money to make money that just life if you fail then try another route. I come from a quiet household I wasn’t very outspoken. Read more>>

Lil Daink | Artist, Cannabis Influencer, Motorcycle Enthusiast

I’m a firm believer that risk equals reward! Everyday should be a risk cause life’s risky and unpredictable so if you’re not out here putting something on the line you’re not really living. I feel like every risk I’ve taken in my career has put me in a better position each and every time. What you put in is what you get back! Read more>>