We asked some brilliant folks from the community to talk to us about how they think about risk and the role risk has played in their lives and careers.
Kevin Coleman-Cohen | Director & Producer
I have continue to take risks. If I do not believe in myself then who will. Lots of so called friends have abandoned me because I will never give up trying to make Coleman Entertainment, LLC a brand that bring great stories to all types of audiences. Read more>>
S. LaShay Dowley | Director of Clinical Affairs, Psychotherapist, Sex Therapist, Certified Professional Counseling Supervisor, Adjunct Sex Educator
What do I think about risks? I think we take a risk in everything we do or do not do. Whatever choice we make, there’s a risk associated with taking it one way or the other. We will always be faced with taking a risk. I took a risk to leave a safe, stable, and amazing career at a local hospital to build a private practice. Read more>>
Kiana White | Artist, Content Creator, Social Media Manager, Model
Honestly, I’m a over thinker naturally so when it comes to taking risks I play around with the outcomes in my head a lot. But I always end up going for it. A major risk I took was moving to Atlanta after college. I sat on the idea for a while after visiting some family out here. Then I just took the leap and moved. Read more>>
Rondell Positive | Reggae Recording Artiste Mentor, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Purpose Summit International
Time and chance are present in all things. I’ve always believed that what is to happen, happens when I apply the principles that are required, and risk, or should I say “investment”, in one’s self is one of the paramount principles. Read more>>
Sierra Price | Owner of Earthly Essence Travel, LLC
Taking risks is what got me to where I am today. I NEVER thought I would be a business owner, but I took the risk and went for it head first. I knew that a 9-5 wasn’t going to get me to where I wanted to be in life so there was no other choice for me. I had no clue what I was doing, and how I was going to succeed in what I started. Read more>>
Shekeb Sekander | Actor & Reality TV Personality
Risk taking is THE moment of a breakthrough towards something out of the ordinary. I strongly believe you should give all you got to a Plan A. Never even think about having a Plan B because subconciously, you’re really manifesting Plan A to fail. Read more>>
Bridgette Martin | HBIC at fhc productions
I don’t necessarily consider myself a risk taker, however, I have taken some to further myself in live entertainment. I’d say the biggest risk I took was stepping down from a full-time position at my secular job to pursue a career in comedy. I was making the most money I had ever in my life and walked away to go on the road. It did make it easier for me to start letting go of things that weren’t serving me or the path I wanted to take. Read more>>
Martin Merrique | Musician & Visual Designer
Risk has been a part of my life ever since I started taking my career seriously. If you’re a dreamer and wanna live your dream—especially a non-traditional dream, expect to take some risks. The rewards are so much more enjoyable when you do take a risk and you get the rewards! Read more>>
Jenn Cook | Yoga Instructor, Retreat Facilitator, Thai Bodyworker, Tarot Card Reader, & Jewelry Designer
There came a point where I realized that what I had been believing about financial security and what a “good” career path should look like just wasn’t true for me. I was going through my second lay off from the corporate world and I felt stifled, full of self doubt, and low self esteem. Read more>>
Rebecca Magee | Integrated Menstrual Health + Climate Educator
I would describe myself as a calculated risk taker. My parents were both entrepreneurs, though they might not consider themselves as such. And so we had a lot of financial instability when I was little. I grew up believing I would never be an entrepreneur, because I wanted stability I hadn’t had. Read more>>
Lavendair | Singer/Songwriter
Risk has played a huge part in my life. Anything good that has ever happened to me has happened because I took a risk and did something different. In my family, I was once considered something of a black sheep, someone who was reckless and out of control. In reality, I was becoming something that they couldn’t fathom. Read more>>