To pivot or to persevere? Or more bluntly – to give up or to not to give up? This is a haunting question, a question that has ramifications far after an answer has been chosen and it’s also a question that almost everyone in our community has had to face at one time or another. How do you know when to give up and when to keep trying?
Chris Anderson | Music Producer
I think when going for a particular goal or dream “giving up” should never be an option. You must always keep pushing no matter you are going through at the current time. Life will throw all sorts of things at you, sometimes even for the better. Overall, never give up. Read more>>
Precious Williams | CEO
I’m going to keep it all the way 100 ….. How you going to give up if you never seen your mother give up? How you going to give up when you grew up in the hood? IT’S JUST NOT AN OPTION! You keep going to make yourself, your family and your community proud. You give the kids in the community something to look up to. I came from a single parent household. My mom and our village made sure that I didn’t miss any opportunities. So in honor of my mother and my grandmother and my village I’m going to keep striving to do what they say we can’t to! Read more>>
Chef Fefi T | Of FoodFighterz/ SouthernKulture Presents
Honestly , at times being an entrepreneur is extremely hard . From the financial hurdles , to the sleepless nights and the self doubt it may feel like giving up is easiest. Food is my passion , I chose to make it a career and stand by it . What keeps me going is knowing that I get to do something I love everyday and make money . Not as a job but as a sense of accomplishment. The satisfaction I get from making my client’s stomach happy Kees me going. Read more>>
Tiffany Renee | Personal Trainer & Juice Bar Owner
My relationship with God helps guide me in all of my decisions and to know my limits. I know the vision he’s given me so anything that aligns with that, I keep going. Anything that doesn’t, I know to step away. Read more>>
Minni Manchester | Singer/Songwriter/Musician
I think that all artists who are serious about their craft ask themselves the question of if they should keep going or give up. I used to ask myself this all the time, but when I took a step back and did some soul searching I found that the signs are always there for artists. Growing up, things sort of came easier for me with music. Writing, creating, everything involving music came easier to me than other kids. As I got older, the signs got stronger, I started to see God’s path and when I walked it, certain opportunities started to fall right in my lap. Read more>>
Quinn Essential | Rapper
Giving up is never an option. I feel like it’s good to take a knee when you need to, but quitters never win. It’s okay to take some time to tighten up, but if it’s your passion and it makes you happy you should never hang it up. Read more>>
Matty Griswold | Singer Songwriter
Great question. I have spent most of my life on the fence with this one. The world obviously has no shortage of talent and my desire to see other people succeed sometimes clouds the vision I have of seeing myself succeeding. Humility is tough in this industry and Im sort of a starve the ego sort of person. I have to remind myself from time to time that envisioning myself in a role of success with my music doesnt have to be rooted in ego. Id rather keep the faith over the arrogance and that battle sometimes does drive person into a position where they give up. Someone told me one time those who give up will never know how close they really were to achieving their dreams. It isnt easy to internalize that message for me but it isnt supposed to be easy. Read more>>
Veda A. McCoy | International Speaker, Pastor, Author and Coach
I am a firm believer in God’s grace. God gives us “grace” for “every place” in our lives. Where God guides God provides. Where God leads He keeps. In other words, everywhere that God sends us, there will be a sufficient supply of God’s supernatural power and unmerited favor for us to succeed. Of course, to succeed, we must persevere through difficulty and challenges. That is what grace is for. However, there comes a moment where we know in our hearts that we no longer have “grace for this place.” That is when we know it is time to move on. When we arrive at these crossroads, we don’t just drop everything and walk away. That is not the path to success either. We simply as God certain questions to take us forward in destiny. Now what? What else? Who can I train to do what I’ve been doing? I don’t necessarily believe in giving up. The adage is true. Quitters never win and winners never quit. But we must learn how to move forward. To let go. To go with the “flow of grace” present in our lives for the NOW SEASON. Read more>>