Pivot or Persevere?

To pivot or to persevere? Or more bluntly – to give up or to not to give up? This is a haunting question, a question that has ramifications far after an answer has been chosen and it’s also a question that almost everyone in our community has had to face at one time or another. How do you know when to give up and when to keep trying?
I’m going to keep it a buck, whenever you’re a dreamer AND doer? The option to give up is ever present and always available to you but, at the same token when you hear or move to a drumbeat that sometimes only you can hear? Personally at those dark times when I wanted to give up and say “I’m Good”…that same drumbeat got louder and louder and louder to the point where it just never went away. Giving up doesn’t speed up the process of your success, and starting over doesn’t get you across the finish line faster. I wake up daily with this indelible hunger which stems from being organically passionate about my life and simply breaking whatever generational curses I can get my hands on. I am the manifestation of my ancestors, which I accept wholeheartedly. Read more>>
Every experience is unique and different. Time plays a big part, depending on the circumstance of the situation, to keep going may be the best choice to move forward with and sometimes letting go can be a better move in most situations. Both choices still take motivation, courage, and insight to make your decision. It’s about being honest with yourself and looking into your experiences asking yourself how you felt about them, is this something you can live with or without, etc. Read more>>
This is a great a question. Personally I feel like giving up is never truly an option,but taking breaks are helpful and necessary. If you truly love it and are passion about it, whatever it is – the spark always returns. Read more>>