There are so many factors that affect how our lives turn out, but one of the most interesting is how our backgrounds give us unique strengths and perspectives that affect who we are as adults.  We asked rising stars from the community to tell us about their background and upbringing and how they feel it’s impacted who they are today.

Minwoo (Chris) Nam | Neuroscience Aficionado & Chief of Staff @ Insured Nomads

I am a Korean-born expat living in the United States coming up on my 18th year here. For a brief moment of my childhood, I lived in Australia when I was young and had a chance to see Koala bears, Kangaroos, and crocodiles in the wild. Moving to the US, my family settled down first in Houston, TX where I attended elementary school then moved to Montgomery, AL, where I stayed until I chased my dream at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. That’s a bit of where things went crazy for me. I expected myself to get a degree in Biology as a pre-med student, get into medical school, and become a doctor, but God had other plans for me. My parents always taught me to be open to new opportunities, to try new things, and to be courageous no matter where I am. As an immigrant, that was obviously hard. But I kept trying, I stayed true to the standards that my family set for me: being a respectful and loving human, yet being confident and dignified. Read more>>

Dylan Griggs | Fine Artist & Art Student

My name is Dylan Griggs and I am from Panola Road, Lithonia, Georgia. My background and upbringing is a big part of who I am because it made me who I am today. Lithonia is a small town about 25 minutes east of Atlanta. Its poverty rate is 206% higher than the rest of the United States. It’s a town that pushes you to be successful by any means necessary. Because, if you’re not successful, you may end up stuck in the boondocks for the rest of your life. It’s a town where everyone knows everyone. Networking is a skill that you have to know to become a “somebody” here. Lithonia is connected by a culture that can be very loving and very unforgiving at times. Read more>>

Dr. Jai Johnson | Medical provider, Author, Legal Consultant, Fashion Mentor/Model

I was born in Illinois and raised in Alabama. My background and upbringing has paved the roads for this journey we call LIFE. My life has been playing out this way since high school with struggles and life threatening incidents. My dad was winding on his circuitous path when he struck a bridge. We were all in the car with him and absorbed the crash’s impact. I was hospitalized for several months as I recovered, missing the final months of my senior year. My brother nearly lost his arm due to his injuries, and I naturally came to his aid as best as possible, even while dealing with my injuries. The healing process was long and slow; we all dealt with it differently. I remember having to miss my senior prom seemed like a new, cruel joke. Read more>>

Stephy Santiago | CEO of Thiago Shoetique

I’m from Puerto Rico. I came to Georgia in 2017 right after hurricane Maria hit my country. I was an independent woman and literally I had to pause everything. My job and the college where I was going for Spanish Education had to stop because they had a lot of damages in their facilities after the hurricane. My apartment was not in the best condition so I decided I needed a change and that’s when I moved to Georgia. Coming here was a challenge I will say. My dad wanted me to move to Florida with him; however, I wanted to continue being an independent woman. I lived in a hotel for about a month. I had two jobs to sustain myself. Read more>>

Moises Reyes | Music artist

I’m from Atlanta Georgia so pretty much the whole scene of the city was impactful I think Atlanta is the second Hollywood. From the clothes to the music and just the way the people here talk and do music everything was impactful it made me who I am today for sure aswell as my experiences. Read more>>

Fonda Sloan | Fashion Creator and founder

I’m from New York and my upbringing and background had a huge impact on who I am today. Being from New York the fashion capital of the world where you are challenged every day to present yourself in an unique eclectic way that you can relate to the world. On so many levels. At all times. You had to decide if you were going to compete at a high level or become mediocre. Read more>>

Paula-Kaye Taylor | Mental Health Advocate and Coach

I was born in Kingston Jamaica and raised in primarily in Manchester, Jamaica. My family is working class with my mom, for much of my life, being the primary breadwinner. My family was big on education and so my brother and I did our best to excel in school and to achieve academic success as much as possible and despite many challenges we faced financially and otherwise. I think my upbringing – focus on education, working to achieve certain checkmarks, being raised as a Christian – had a very interesting impact on me. While I saw the benefits of being educated and achieving certain things, I also saw that these things were not the be all and end all of life and there is, in fact, more to life – something I’ve explored over the last five years of my life. Read more>>