We had the good fortune of connecting with Camille Langston and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Camille, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
The very first time I ever received Reiki, I had a vision of my great grandmother Birdie who passed away when I was 11. At that age I would talk to her after she’d passed, and I had the ability like most children do to communicate with spirit. However I was shamed for this and convinced that it was evil by adults, and so I stopped shortly after. By the time I was 13, I’d completely forgotten I had the ability to see spirits (I suggest looking into the effects of trauma on the mind if you’re curious about how that happened). When I got my first Reiki healing at 18, Grandma Birdie came to me and asked why I’d stopped talking to her, and as she said those words the memories came flooding back. I didn’t even know how to spell Reiki at the time, but that vision was so real I took it upon myself to learn everything that I possibly could about it. I had no grand ideals of “becoming a healer” at the time. I simply wanted to understand how it happened and why it felt so good. Eventually with daily practice and mentorship, as well as encouragement from friends who let me practice my skills, I decided to start my business The Medicine Goddess. Currently I am a trained Medium, Reiki Master Teacher, and Diviner, and I use those gifts to help others connect to themselves and realize that they are their own healer.
What should our readers know about your business?
Starting my own business was something I entered into with a lot of trepidation! It’s a daily constant practice of adjusting and learning and listening to myself and my own needs. I think a lot of people have this grand “love and light” vision of healers wearing all white and talking about manifesting all the time, but it’s really a lot of work and sometimes even suffering. I think all true spiritual masters understand and have lived through the power of the shadow as well as the light. Every human being will go through phases where both powers of light and shadow call out to us to be acknowledged. If we deny either, we suffer. I truly think the word healer is a bit misleading because I’m not actually healing anyone. What I’m doing is creating a space and vibration in which people can enter to heal themselves. In this way I return the power back to my clients. What’s required for a “healing” to take place is that the person who is in need says YES, and is willing and ready to give up whatever is blocking them (internal or external) from reaching that space of homeostasis and harmony. What I most want people to understand is that when it comes to picking a practitioner or modality make sure it resonates with you. Make sure the people or businesses you choose to work with have integrity and boundaries to their work to keep themselves and you safe. There’s a lot of “fake it till you make it” mentality and cultural appropriation in modern spiritual communities; and spirit is sacred, so the practice of working with spirit has to be as well through our daily choices. The work I do is deeply rooted in my own ancestral lineages, and I think people who are tuned in feel that resonance of authenticity and want to work with me. And for that I am truly grateful.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My Ancestors and Creator deserve all the praise. Truly the gifts that I have are simply on loan to me from them, and I physically, mentally, and emotionally wouldn’t be the person I am nor have found the success that I have without them.
Website: www.themedicinegoddess.com
Instagram: @reikimedicinegoddess
Image Credits
Cecilia Navarette Ani Kalafian Siri Kaur Maya Dondonyan