We had the good fortune of connecting with Vivie Myrick and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Vivie, Let’s talk about principles and values – what matters to you most?
In the industry I am in the value that matters most to me is kindness. Although hard work and dedication matter the way you will get rehired is through kindness. People will always remember how you treats them so being a nice person really matters!
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I am most proud of my role as Donna on George and Tammy. It was a long ride to get there. I worked very hard starting from the age of 10 when I did my first community theatre production. I continued to do theatre all through my elementary and high school years with a slight break during Covid. It was during this time that I really spent a lot of time focusing on teaching myself how to play guitar and to writing music. I found my agent Lisa Lax at a master class in 2017. I just approached her with a headshot and resume and asked her to sign me and she did the next day. That’s one of the lessons I have learned is to just ask because the worst that anyone can say is no. I have auditioned for countless productions on the screen and stage and I never let a no discourage me. I was told by an acting coach once that you might get 150 no’s before you get a yes and that’s what happened with George and Tammy. I have gotten many no’s since that too but I’m not going to give up. Rejection is part of this business and I know my job is not to book the job but to just keep auditioning. That what makes the arts so challenging because you don’t get paid to do the job until you book something. You might go months or years before you book but all it takes is that one shot.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
When I am in town it’s usually for work so I don’t get to spend a lot of time doing the fun things. I do like to go to the Coke Museum to try all the Cokes from around the world. The food reminds me of my hometown Memphis so I always feel at home when I’m in Atlanta.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would not be where I am today without my parents. They have always believed in me. I realize not all parents are ok with the arts and mine have allowed me the freedom to put my whole self into the arts. They have invested their time from taking me to every rehearsal, shoot, audition to working hard to pay for lessons.
Website: www.viviemyrick.com
Instagram: @vivie_myrick
Youtube: @viviemyrick
Other: Tik Tok @its_viviemyrick
Image Credits
Headshot from Curtis and Cort photography