Meet Steven Sutherland | Actor

We had the good fortune of connecting with Steven Sutherland and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Steven, how do you think about risk?
I believe it’s very rare for anyone to achieve success in life without taking risks. It’s important to step outside your comfort zone to grow and progress. Success often requires getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Just like diamonds are created under extreme pressure, most people in positions of success got there by enduring immense pressure and taking bold risks.
I took a huge risk moving to Atlanta from Detroit to pursue an acting career. Since then, I’ve accomplished a lot as an actor, though I’m still very much in that “taking risks” phase fighting hard to build a sustainable career. This industry is like getting smacked in the face really hard, only to get back up and brace yourself for an even harder hit. And yet, people like me keep pressing forward. Ah, the life of an artist.
Before moving to Atlanta, I starred in a feature film in Michigan called Ashes of Eden. That project lit a fire in me and made me realize that I truly could achieve this acting dream if I put in the work. But the journey has been far from easy. Since moving here, I’ve experienced homelessness, lost relationships, lived in over 20 different places, and been fired from more jobs than I’d like to admit because I prioritized auditions. I’ve flown across the country for table reads and auditions for projects that didn’t pan out. I’ve had several incredible auditions and callbacks for life-changing roles that I didn’t book.
All of this can be chalked up to “failing forward.”
Now, I’m married, I own a home, and I recently finished filming a feature called Wild Faith Christmas. It’s a Western, and I played one of the lead antagonists.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I saw an ad in a local newspaper for a production company casting the lead role in a film called Ashes of Eden, a story about a prodigal son. At first, I didn’t think much of it, but I submitted using a monologue I had recorded. Next thing I know, the director calls me, and I’m standing in front of him auditioning. I ended up booking the role over some pretty big names. That was the start of a domino effect, though it didn’t last as long as I had hoped. I went on to do a film in Missouri called Surrender, where I play a character who takes a church hostage after flipping a ’68 Mustang in a police chase.
I figured things would take off from there, but when I moved to Atlanta, I quickly realized it wasn’t as easy as it had been up to that point. In fact, I took a long hiatus after breaking my hand and hip, and not being able to walk for a year due to complications during surgery. Since then, I’ve worked on two feature films, both playing the lead antagonist. One of those was Time Boys 2, where I had the chance to play the bad guy. That role was a lot of fun. I got to work with some well-known musicians, and we shot at Morgan Freeman’s blues bar, Ground Zero Blues Club, in Clarksdale, Mississippi. What an experience that was! More recently, I just wrapped up filming Wild Faith Christmas, where I played an outlaw named Harley. I’m really excited to see how that turns out!
Some lessons I’ve learned along the way: finding what works best for you as an artist may vary from what works best for someone else. Explore your talent and find out what works for you so you can give the best performance you possibly can. Set etiquette is a real thing. Showing up prepared and knowing your lines is non-negotiable. Also, this is a business. Many actors tend to give all the power to those who can cast them, but on smaller indie projects, don’t be afraid to ask questions. You have just as much right to know what you’re getting into, not just as an artist, but as a businessperson looking to move to the next level.
I always tell everyone the same thing: T.M.M.
Talent, Marketing, and Mindset – the three things you need to focus on in this industry.
Talent: Take acting classes, read books, study films, and learn character development. Learn how to break down a script, things like that.
Marketing: Get professional headshots (I would HIGLY recommend Jason Vail). Get your resume together, even if it’s empty – just have one. Business cards, setting up an IMDb page, and casting pages. Network. Get an agent. You are your own product; present yourself as such.
Mindset: Remember why you started, because this industry is tough.
If you don’t work on your talent, your marketing might get you auditions, but you’ll never book anything. If you don’t work on your marketing, you might be talented enough to book roles, but you won’t get the auditions. If you don’t work on your mindset, everything falls apart.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Oh man! If we’re downtown in Atlanta, I really enjoy going to Meehan’s Public House, which is located in the Weston. It’s a blast to have a meal at the Sundial atop the Weston, then go down to the pub to chill and talk. The aquarium downtown is also a really fun place to visit!
I would highly recommend a spot called Jamrock Jerk Center & Grill. They have some of the best Jamaican food in town. Outside of Atlanta, Stone Mountain Park is a lot of fun. I’d probably take them to see Helen, GA as well. It’s a German-themed town. Get ready to walk around gift shops and enjoy some bratwurst in the mountains of North Georgia.
If you’re a Vampire Diaries fan, Covington, GA, aka Mystic Falls, is a must-see. I actually live just 20 minutes from there. My wife and I go all the time to eat at the Mystic Grill and explore the vampire town. A lot of cool movies and TV shows were filmed there too. Definitely take the tour!
One last MUST DO would be heading to Savannah and visiting Tybee Island. Georgia really does have it all a bit of mountains in the north and a tropical paradise to the southeast..
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Well, there’s been a village of people who have helped me immensely. The first that comes to mind is when I was homeless, living out of my car for over six months in the dead of winter (believe me, it gets cold at night here in Atlanta). I was attending Passion City Church and met an amazing couple who refused to let me sleep in my car any longer. Deb and Keith Cureton are local to Atlanta and very successful. Keith retired from a high position at UPS and is now the CEO of Bethany Way Christian Adoption Services.
It started with them getting me a hotel room for a week, then inviting me to live with them in their home after that. This was a pivotal moment in my pursuit, and it eventually led to me working for Marvel as a rigging grip on some of the biggest Marvel films to date, including Avengers: Endgame and Infinity War, along with many other projects.
I was also taken in by Albert Claiborne, a celebrity fitness trainer who has worked with some of the biggest names in the world. I had booked a bounty hunter role for a film shooting in New York, and I needed to put on some muscle. Albert put me to work twice a day for four months. I ended up getting shredded for that role, but the kicker is that the financing fell through, and the project never happened. Yet another close call. Albert has been a father figure in my life and continues to be someone I can turn to for advice.
Throughout my pursuit, I’ve met some amazing people who have helped me book great roles in movies. Michael Joiner has been a huge advocate for me, consistently suggesting me for films. Shane Hagedorn and DJ Perry have also played a massive role in helping me continue my acting career.
It’s really not so much about what you know, but who you know that makes all the difference. One of the biggest keys to success is being likable. If I didn’t have respect for those around me, I’d probably still be where I started.
Other: IMDB:
Image Credits
Jason Vail
Greg Burns