We had the good fortune of connecting with Sharla Weaver and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Sharla, what role has risk played in your life or career?
Anything you do is a risk! It called stepping out on faith. Doing things against the grain. I get excited with I get challenges like that. The unknown is uncharted, you move whatever or however you want. I always been the frist to do anything, so my fear in minor. I may ask a million questions, I will find the solution sooner or later.
I would never became a Cosmetology teacher. Or even my business, if I did not take risk.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
First of all Glossy Diva is a vegan, organic, and cruelty free business that has developed from the last five years helping women who love makeup they may not be able to wear makeup because of skin disorders allergic to certain products or certain ingredients and traditional makeup but also we are a business that caters to education of earning how to wear makeup correctly and also wearing makeup in the effective ways that work for the regular day function. We also do custom lip colors for those who love colors that maybe discontinued by other brands. Will make for you. Beauty education, online and in person classes. Our makeup services for Bridal, theather, and special occasions. Wholesales services for retail our products. I’m gonna honestly say it was not easy starting this business because I was in the beauty business for a time over about 18 to 19 years and I was really trying to figure out what would be the best bet for me to do as far as a business and even though I was making my own rose water and using it for my makeup clients. Wy mindset was so stuck on trying to do makeup brushes and when I saw the the pricing and learning how you have to buy a certain amount and and you have to have a certain amount of money and certain amount of cash I just I went into my prayer closet and did some research and like came out and was like you have your first product and so the Rose water came out first. Within a year , we went from one product to a full 24 line product line design. Doing all processing and designing by myself being a self entrepreneur working hard and making sure things are par exllecent. The accomplishment of it all was watching how it grew from the small three item 4 item products to what the company is now! I’m very proud of how it’s developed I’m very proud of always taking the time to look at other things or even reevaluate what’s wrong and how to fix it? For example: I’m in the middle of trying to figure out a substitute for cocoa butter because our products have large amount coconut oil/butter because people now are allergic to it! Which is something very rare that I didn’t think anybody would be so now it’s one of my main three ingredients I use in most of my products so now I have to look into a way to find the alternative to that product
so yeah they say that being in business is easy I wish I could say that but it is a lot of hard work it’s a lot of research it’s a lot check who’s your competition who you working around clean your face out here you just traveling and not just in your local area but throughout wherever you can networking like crazy and making sure that what you’re selling you stand by.
My advice for anyone who decides to go into business is to remember that it’s gotta be something you’re passionate about it has to be something you love it has to be something that you’re committed to and that you’re willing to go to the edge of the of world to make it. Ithink that’s the best way I can say it being committed to what you believe in but get around people who will mentor you to show you some things look at people who are doing what you’re doing and kind of look at how that works for them and then kind of look how it can be kind of basically works for your business. I thank God for the opportunity to be last in the great business women and men who have taught me a lot of things and so it kind of puts me in a better position but then there’s also stuff that I did not know that I had to self educate myself so that my business can grow so I tell anybody you do the work
I think the challenges I had this year the challenges I had Taking care of my mom making sure my mom is OK and being responsible for my 2 year old great niece/ god daughter I just lost my mom for battle with cancer but I had to stop for a year a little bit slow down with the business and now I have my niece starting all over as parent. She a grilie girl, she love being pampered. My son is now 23 and learning how to do the mommy thing over again in another perspective so I’m learning to revamp revise the business and now living life differently because my mother’s not here anymore and doing some things that I need to get done that were put on the backfire because I was trying to take care of her so that was probably my biggest challenge so now I’m back off and running and trying to get the business back to where I wanna get to the next level so yeah so that was one of my challenges biggest challenges I had this year as far as the business yeah I am very proud of what has happened with the Glossy Diva Cometics,so farm but I want to see glossy diva expand into places that I’ve been trying to do for the last two years so hopefully God will give me the opportunities to be in certain doorways which he has and and travel different travel a little more deeper like I did the first three years to be able to build the business up a little bit more but it does have an established respect throughout you know Connecticut New York. I have great respect for the people I work with and network.
The challenges is that I want people to understand that this is just a product that comes from my heart from my experiences being a person who loves makeup and has skin disorders I have eczema and so it causes me to break out in the certain chemicals personal situations and so for those who love products check out the website those who you know want our makeup junkies I love y’all too so come on check out the website let’s see what we have in store because we’re still getting ready for the holidays and doing everything for the coming of 2024 which will be celebrating our five years in business and I’ll be celebrating my 50th birthday so it’s going to be an exciting new year for me and I can’t wait for folks to see what we’re gonna do for 2024 because it is going to be even more better than 2023

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
My One Trip would be Train trip across Canada. It’s actually a 5 days trip. It starts from Toranto to Vancouver. Watching the from my private box card. 3 meals a days. 5 stops in 3 days.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
God always get 1st credit, He is my source of strenght and inspriation. The biggest two is my late grandmother, Ora Lee Weaver who was my role model for being the lady I am today. My Mom, Delores “Lois” Ricketts, whom I just tranditioned this year October 2023 for being. my biggest chearleader.
My Uncles, Abrham and John Weaver for being my greatest role models of man hood in my life.
My mentors Dr. Shelly Best & Matashar Dillon
My Inner Circle: Ebonie Carter, Andrew Branch, Colin Osborn, Betty-Lou Carthorne, Jennifer Scott, Alanna Thomas, Grace Faniel, Ann Brown, Tahra Keyes, and Barbara McClane.

Website: www.glossydivacosmetics.com

Instagram: @glossydivact

Linkedin: @glossydivact

Twitter: glossydivact

Facebook: GlossyDivaCometicsSuppliesCT

Yelp: Glossy Diva Cosmetics &Supplies LLC

Youtube: Glossy Diva Cosmetics &Supplies LLC

Image Credits
Photos by: Rina Starr- Star Stunning Events Photographer www.rinastarrphotographer.com Barbara McClane www. Barklemcclanephotograhy.com Twanda Copeland Hidden Treasures Photograhy

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