We had the good fortune of connecting with Scott Mullenberg and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Scott, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Well, it happened unexpectedly. I was working behind the line in a restaurant here in Portland, Maine and on one particular evening after work I took a walk around the neighborhood…. frustrated and pondering what I was going to do in my life for $….as I wasn’t at all passionate about working as a cook/chef. I had dreams of writing…. I had taken some fiction workshops and even enrolled in University again in the English program. The apparent reality was I didn’t have the passion or discipline to write, like I imagined… I loved books, that was apparent from my growing collection/library. And in a hot moment I thought about books being bound…. something I had never ever thought about…… it was a click I suppose. I went home, and in the morning I called a commercial bindery to begin my inquiries. I remember not even knowing what to ask… I didn’t know anything about bookbinding but somehow I knew I didn’t want to spend my days behind a machine doing one operation. So I called a hand bookbinder and that call began my journey to an apprenticeship 8 month’s later with a bookbinder in Northampton, MA. I was on the road to working/building a job that I could go to, love, and leave without watching the clock. It offered me skill based creative expression. A perfect fit. And I’ve been doing it for 3 decades, and now under the moniker of Mullenberg Designs.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Well, I began ‘the journey’ learning restoration’ mixed with new work, e.g. journals, albums etc. I worked with Susan Holland here in Portland who was my guide from early on. She was the hand bookbinder I called on that morning and the one who tipped me off on the apprenticeship. She had apprenticed with Bill 5 years prior to our meeting. When I left the apprenticeship I came back to Portland and opened a bindery with Susan, called the Holland Bindery. Restoration was the bulk of work we took in but there was new custom work also. I built a couple portfolios for local commercial photographers and that led me to the work I’ve been doing for the last 15+ years. One of them had a meeting with a photography consultant in Massachusetts who made comment about their portfolio. Six months later I met with Selina (the consultant) and she loved my work. She had recently lost the binder she referred her clients to once they were at the stage to build out a print portfolio and that begins my story of collaborating with photographers to build print books to market themselves. I had a website built and Mullenberg Designs was ‘born’. Restoration became history and I began working with clients across the US, Canada and beyond building presentation structures to house their work.

The decision to become a hand bookbinder was not a fiscal decision but one that would give back…. creatively. And that hasn’t always been easy…. there have been times when I’ve had to go back in the ‘work-world’ to make ends meet. But I wouldn’t change a thing really. I collaborate with very interesting, passionate people and feel privileged to be doing what I do. To go into my studio in the morning and make/create my chosen environment, really, is everything. No regrets here!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Portland, Maine is a foodie city, so many options there. The beaches here are incredible. And I might suggest coming to my studio for a coffee and bite from my make-shift kitchen!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I apprenticed with William Streeter in Northampton, MA (RIP). He was incredible… generous….. guided. He guided me, this innocent to reconcile these new urges. Thanks Bill!

Website: Mullenbergdesigns.com

Instagram: #mullenbergdesigns

Youtube: mullenbergdesigns

Image Credits
photo by scott Mullenberg

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.