We had the good fortune of connecting with Ronnetta Stokes Wagstaff and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Ronnetta, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
You see, I am a former procrastinator!

I was the one who always put myself, my needs, goals, and wants last because everyone else needed me. My family, my friends– everyone, so I thought. So I began to set aside the things I needed to do to satisfy their needs. I was the one everyone could rely on. It made me feel worthy of being perceived as the one who was ALWAYS reliable.

The truth is all that pouring into others left me depleted most of the time. I neglected myself so much that taking time out for personal care made me feel guilty. You see, I often took on more than I could handle, and then I’d lose the momentum of what I started because it became overwhelming. It was a vicious cycle.

I began to experience periods of frustration and irritation at home and work. There was a nagging feeling that I could not shake because I knew there had to be more to life than what I was living.

So, I began to evaluate my life. Working in healthcare, I knew I loved my patients. Our conversations were medicine to my soul, and helping them shift their perspectives even when they were facing some tough medical challenges was very fulfilling for me. In addition, I loved seeing the smiles on their faces after our conversations.

After doing a “Man In The Mirror,” a deep self-reflection, I discovered my passion, gifts, and purpose was helping others overcome procrastination, which had held me back for many years. So I asked myself, “What do I enjoy doing that takes the least amount of effort and time but just comes naturally for me?” I discovered I’m a natural giver. I love to see others happy and to be able to help them see themselves and their situations in a new and positive light.

Before walking into my purpose, I had some self-work to do. So I hired a life coach that offered me a structured plan and support, and that’s when my transformation began. I started to create new thought patterns around fear, avoidance, and validation that better served the woman I was becoming.

This mindset shift was vital; it helped me dive deeply within myself and find that inner person hiding all those years. As a result, I learned things about myself that surprised me. For example, I realized I did have dreams and aspirations but never pursued them. I was so preoccupied with what everyone else needed I had lost myself.

I now walk a much more authentic path. The demands of others no longer drive my life. Instead, I have found balance. I do work that I love daily and make time to be a loving and supportive wife, mother, and friend. It taught me that, with the right mindset, I could have it all because I now recognize my value and others don’t dictate my worth. I’m living unapologetically and being consciously aware of who I am and what I need to thrive. My transformation has empowered me to become a bold and confident entrepreneur!

Today, I am a Certified Professional Coach (The Procrastinator’s Coach). I am intentional about helping other women overcome procrastination so that they can manage their time, finally achieve those big goals, and use their voices to step into a life of expectation to win, conquer, and succeed.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
As the procrastinator’s coach, my unique combination of skills, experience, and approach sets me apart from other coaches. I focus specifically on helping women overcome their procrastination habits by offering them a customized success path based on their needs, preferences, and goals. My approach helps my clients feel seen and heard while achieving their goals. In addition, I provide ongoing support and accountability. This allows them to stay motivated and on track when facing obstacles. You see, I am a former procrastinator, so I know the triggers and stagnation of not moving forward or losing momentum.

I am proud to help women identify their underlying issues and create strategies to manage time and other priorities more effectively. Tailor coaching programs to my client’s goals, preferences, and challenges.

In order for me to get to where I am today, I had to gain knowledge, obtain certifications, and build a client base. As a result, I’m always learning new techniques as I evolve. In addition, I must stay current with the latest trends and research in my field.

In the beginning, it wasn’t easy. I had to make real-life decisions like leaving my job w/ benefits and starting a business, not knowing if it would float or sink. But, several years later, we’re still floating through God’s grace and mercy.

As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that failure is a part of the process, and taking some risk is necessary, whether hiring new people or investing in your business. I’ve also learned you have to always be ready to pivot. Life happens every day. It’s what we do about it that makes the difference.

As someone who has struggled with procrastination, I deeply understand the challenges that procrastinators face. Therefore, my coaching approach is based on a practical strategy to help people overcome procrastination by offering customized tools and plans to keep them in action and continue to move forward in their goals.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I would take my friend to the Georgia Aquarium, one of the largest aquariums in the world, the World of Coca-Cola, which is dedicated to the history and culture of the iconic soft drink, Martin Luther King Jr Historic Site, The church where he preached, his childhood home and gravesite. We would visit the Botanical Gardens and Stone Mountain for hiking.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Yes, To my husband Kelly, thank you for your love and support throughout the entire process, my daughters Kierra, Alyssia, and my son Rashard who gave me words of encouragement, scriptures to read, and sermons to listen to when I wanted to give up. My sister Tina has always been one of my biggest cheerleaders. She always told me I could do anything I put my mind to. Doreen Rainey, my coach and mentor. She knew what I was capable of and continued to help me dive deeper. I want to thank every one of them for their support.

Website: rswlifecoaching.com

Instagram: authentic_ronnetta

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/ronnetta-stokes-wagstaff-rswlifecoaching

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RSWCoaching

Image Credits
Jay Wilson Media

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