We had the good fortune of connecting with Rebekah Josann and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rebekah, how does your business help the community?
At the end of 2019, just before the COVID pandemic hit, God called me to start Scripture Prescriptions Ministries – Life coaching for the disabled, those on the autism spectrum, and the neurodivergent communities. He showed me I was part of this community the way He designed my brain. In my research, I recognized the need for trustworthy services and resources in this area and why He was directing me in this way.

In observations, although we are getting better, I find the autistic community grows in continued dissatisfaction with the majority of the established autistic services available to us by the states, governments, medical fields, and religious establishments. We often see communication with the autistic community misaligned to who we are and our challenges. The verbiage can be harmful and damaging rather than helpful and supportive. We need a different approach to the support of my community.

I try to step in to make an impact however I can, providing trauma-informed, multicultural competent, autistic, and neurodivergent affirming aligned services. It is arduous and controversial sometimes, but I am determined to help meet these needs while remaining humble because there is always something to learn. My heart is to help bridge the gap in communications between nontypical brain processing differences (neurodivergence) and those who have a neurotypical bend. I aim to help the world understand those of us living with obstacles of trauma, and find the healing and peace they desperately want in languages we comprehend.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
In 2019, my life coaching ministry and work started with autistic and neurodivergent people in an existing online FB community I assist as an active admin, providing those on low income, disability, and social security a sponsorship model to cover the fees of appointments when sponsors are available. Compassionate-hearted people have the opportunity to join in this work sponsoring appointments for my clients, allowing us the time to meet, and covering the time spent helping with hands-on assistance. Sponsor support is a true blessing and reward for all parties involved. We need sponsors for an ever-growing waiting list.

My professional training is certifications from Light University, a partner university to the AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors). I earned my Professional Life Coaching, Mental Health Coaching, and Trauma-Informed Care certifications. Certifications became available after the life coaching industry was discovered. It was boosted through COVID when many were suffering as a result. I was one of the original life coaches before the trend emerged out of the season of COVID. My heart is to help neurodivergent people and those on the autism spectrum overcome life’s obstacles and reach their goals and dreams. To be obedient to this call by my Father in heaven who placed this on my heart and continues to propel me forward. 

Life coaches are often confused with medical professionals. For clarity, I am not a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, doctor, counselor, or qualified to administer therapies. I do not coach paying clients in mental health therapy. Rather, any pro-bono clients are worked with in a ministry capacity through my mental health coaching as a first responder, guiding clients to the appropriate professionals and helping them with their mindset. I also jump in with advocacy to fight for my clients and those I work with advocating for them with organizations and the systems in place. This can go as high as communicating with government officials. A needed area often neglected.

Few religious and community leaders are serving autistic and neurodivergent communities. We are a delicate niche, needing focus, tenderheartedness, and removal of self due to the trauma we endure from higher sensitivity levels and living distinctly in a neurotypical society of certain expectations.

Many are wounded and seeking healing from the hurts of church, faith, grief, relationships, and negative generational family patterns. The failure to healthily look at these wounds can lead to personal identity crises and a reduction in the quality of lifestyle. Emotional and mental distress can be tell-tale signs of buried trauma wounds. Embedded wounds are a delicate area to work in. I do my best to be a sensitive and understanding ear to those showing up in my social media interactions and engagement.

Frustratingly, my personality and brain construction is one of the great contradictions to life coaching as a pursuit due to my ISTJ and profile type 1 on the enneagram (for understanding purposes.). I push past the logical nature of my brain to dig deep into the emotional and empathetic side. I fight my introversion regularly, administering self-care frequently to recharge the batteries!

However, unmistakably, God called me to coaching work. He reminds me it is a common thread in His Word to take the less likely, the least, and the ones not qualified, equip them, and call them to a space they cannot operate in without His help. Praise God for not needing perfect!

This expression of His provision demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit, His work on my heart, and the hearts of the clients He sends. Strength sits in my less emotional forefront personality and logical brain. I can handle the traumatic and abusive stories that otherwise affect someone on a deeper empathic level. A different perspective and viewpoint presentation helps my client break through from the emotional trap of memory to emotion linking occurring in the brain with PTSD and other trauma evidence. Trauma needs out-of-the-box creativity and lots of healing laughter. You will find both unconventional methods in my coaching style as a way to help manage the symptoms while professionals take on deeper therapy to treat them.

Here is an insight into my own story and background that connects to how I understand my clients so well.

I was diagnosed with chronic PTSD and had to overcome PTSD symptoms several years ago.

Psychologists said, “You better get used to chronic PTSD. There’s little that can be done.”

I did not qualify for the typical therapies besides CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Its effectiveness was not what I hoped.

I invested significant time in self-work, developing a way to gain victory over PTSD. Successfully, I managed to reduce five panic attacks a day to none for an extended period of years. When panic attacks resurface from a significant life change or event. I created tools for my wellness management toolbox, now used in my coaching, to combat the effects and shorten the time, helping prevent meltdowns from occurring. Managing symptoms over managing the mental health of the person. That would be where advocacy and support come in. Adding to our team when therapy is needed.

We are going to face testing events. We can feel deeply the emotions accompanying them. It is healthy to honor those emotions, but the bounce back needs to be our focus.

After the PTSD diagnosis, I survived a few years later two unexpected miscarriages followed by PPD (Post Partum Depression) both times. The diminutive changes threw my entire body, mind, and emotions off balance.

A year later, I faced another traumatic trial out of my control. Within that same year, another devastating knock-you-to-your-knees obstacle occurred. My business income, savings, and assets accumulated over a few years were seized in the criminals’ hands. Three years of evidence of hard work down the drain.

Talk about a triple whammy! These misfortunes snowballed from there. Direct online attacks on my work and ministry through misunderstandings and miscommunications, lead to cyberbullying and harassment, threatening to tear everything down.

Naturally, I developed mental burnout from the constant adversity. I noticed skills and memories wiped out as a result. I continue to use the tools I know work to pull out and conquer to victory for myself and others.

When it comes to trauma, I lived it my entire life. I understand it as if it is part of my DNA, forced to find ways to heal when doctors did not know how to help me with the therapies available and not available to my overly sensitive nature. I stay in a self-healing mode and develop growth, knowledge, and skills as a coach.

Fascinated in multiple intelligences, in research for my clients for assessment tools, I learned my intrapersonal and interpersonal (the ability to see in oneself and in others) intelligence are both very close to 100%. In music as well!

This discovery explains my superpower ability to see all the pieces and parts connecting and interweaving to make up who a person is. This is a gift with ups and downs because the details I notice, my client may not. I have to be careful how I deliver the message while maintaining a balance of trust and honesty with my clients as we recognize the mindset blocks and their roots.

Communication is one of the most challenging areas of working with various personality types and psychographics. I always seek to actively listen, learn, and advocate for my clients regardless of their background or history. Social and communication obstacles are markers of the autistic community as traits. I make a great effort to explain myself clearly, sharing this trait. Clarity communication is an ongoing challenge I continue to work on improving with every interaction and writing opportunity. Another word we can identify with is: “misunderstood”. Misunderstandings can go both ways on both sides of a conversation.

Working in the trauma area is an arduous space. If my client needs deeper care, I will work with them to help them advocate for their mental health with medical professionals.

The exciting wins are the best when a client puts in the homework and applies what they are learning! My clients gain victories such as weight loss, kicking addictions, changing coping strategies, eating healthy, growing in emotional intelligence and maturity, relocating to better places to live, and overall finding their joy. They are pursuing passions and hard work to love themselves again or learn to for the first time. Some even find jobs they love! I am passionate about celebrating together as we reach each milestone and goal in a transformative evidential way. It is my favorite aspect of coaching! Celebrating THEIR RESULTS is THE BEST REWARD!

People need a cheerleader and positive motivator in their life. I show those I am privileged to work with who they are and peel back the layers from the damage done. I lead them into what is possible in their future and reconnect them to their purposes from their pain. It is a kingdom shaking, forward focused work, and such a blessing.

The truth is, working in this space cannot be done alone due to the demographics of autistics who are often outcasted from churches, forced to be on government programs, constrained by government income rules with disability and social security, and wait-listed constantly for medical care. We depend on the compassionate sponsorships of others who support the results I bring to my clients by covering their fees. The autistic community needs the extra boost to get to where they can be independent, if possible, within understood limitations.

This is an unconventional model, but even with nonprofits, I run into red tape and constraining rules that do not fit our needs so for now I haven’t turned Scripture Prescriptions Ministries into a nonprofit. Not until it becomes sustainable. I take a different route than most professionals do when it comes to their coaching practices. I serve a group of people tossed aside, left behind, and dropped off because they do not have the funds for the care they seek. Most coaching programs are too costly and out of reach for us when stacked against our realistic capability of earning income. Sadly, as of 2024, over 80% of autistics are unemployed according to the Autism and Employment Statistics on mydisabilityjobs.com. These are the people I serve and we constantly have a goal of employment wherever and whenever possible. However many factors are involved we run into which are sensitive, embarrassing, and not compassionately addressed in the workforce.


Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Support and community mean everything to me.

Firstly, a shout-out to my Lord. He is with me in every trial, every learning opportunity, and every appointment with my clients. He is the one who called me to this work and led me to found Scripture Prescriptions Ministries.

Secondly, a shout-out to my former dear life transition coach Marvis Matarozzo who blessed me with pro-bono life coaching as she worked on her certifications. I would not be in this article if it wasn’t for her. She supports me throughout my coaching journey and life with a loving ear and affirming words of encouragement. She is a wonderful person!

I also want to mention my other life coach who came alongside me through my difficult times of grief and loss: Lauren Lewis. She took the time to give back to me like Mrs. Matarozzo did after I spent months giving freely to others. This time with her was a blessing and helped me sort through some of my roadblocks which is common for coaches. I can’t stress enough how much coaches NEED coaches!

Thirdly, a shout out to my wonderful clients who help me practice and continually grow. Also, the best Christian autistic community in my opinion: “Autistic Christian Fellowship” communities. I admin these groups on Facebook and they keep me motivated for the cause. They support me through everything good and bad, always seeking to understand me and learn.

Fourthly, my family, friends, colleagues, autistic affirming/supportive Pastors, and faithful followers. They cheer me on from the sidelines, help me understand more about this area I serve in, and indirectly teach me how to speak to the people I serve, resulting in effectiveness. There’s always more growing to do and I am committed to continuing to learn all I can to serve the best I can.

I invite anyone reading this who has a tender heart towards this community to reach out and learn how you can partner with us through sponsorships to cover our coaching programs and resources. We have opportunities where you can advertise your businesses and entrepreneurship while simultaneously sponsoring someone. The more support and funds we receive the more we can accomplish and impact a hurting community.

You can join us through social media and listen to our upcoming podcast, “The Chatty Auties Show” to learn more about who we are and our latest news and engage in the discussion around these topics!

Thank you all for this extraordinary opportunity to share awareness of necessary and world-impacting coaching services for the neurodivergent, traumatized, disabled, and chronically ill communities. Including those on the various spectrums.

I encourage you to connect with me through social media. I would love to continue the conversations and meet you! You are also welcome to save a copy of my flyer and contact card below and share!

These will help you and your colleagues, friends, and family find me easily! 

With Love and Compassion, 

Rebekah Josann & My Emotional Support Companion Gizmo <3


Website: https://www.rebekahjosann.com

Coaching Info: https://rebrand.ly/Coaching-FAQ

Instagram: https://rebrand.ly/RebekahJosann-Instagram

Facebook: https://rebrand.ly/RebekahJosannCoaching-FB

Youtube: https://rebrand.ly/RebekahJosann-Youtube

Podcast: https://rebrand.ly/Chatty-Auties-Podcast-Show-Sign-Up

Other (For Additional Social Media Connections): https://linktr.ee/RebekahJosann 

Image Credits
All photography, flyers, and promotional graphics are created by The Lady Gadget (My other business!) – https://rebrand.ly/LG-SERVICES

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.