We had the good fortune of connecting with Rammyasheiny Rajentheran and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rammyasheiny, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I never imagined that I would run my own business when I was younger. Like most people, I always thought I would work a 9 to 5 job in an organization. However, when I was 21, I met my mentor, the founder of ET Ideas Business Incubator, who opened my mind to entrepreneurship and its many possibilities. ET Ideas had already developed 30 businesses, some million-dollar companies, while others were starting out, so this was a perfect place for me to build my career. They groomed me to be more confident and truthful, guided me to manage myself and my emotions better, and ensured I had the right foundations before I built my business. This process of working on myself while simultaneously workshopping potential business ideas led me to discover my passion for the media world. And so, in 2016, I turned my passion into my business, as I founded my very own media house called ‘ET Boost’. From working with corporate clients and government ministries, liaising with major news outlets and handling press conferences, organizing and creating content for in-person and virtual summits to working with international artists (and more) – starting my own company has been a roller coaster! I’m constantly excited to see what more can we do and where we will go next!

What should our readers know about your business?
Today, I run my own media house called ‘ET Boost’, which provides a full range of branding and marketing services for individuals and organizations. Ranging from content creation (videography, audio, and photography) to digital marketing and even PR consultancy and media training, our team covers the overall scope of enhancing a brand in this fast-paced digital era.

We work with a range of clients, big and small, and we are passionate about each and every one of them. One of our exciting projects is working with the international youth organization, Ascendance, which has impacted 50,000 youngsters in 26 countries, enabling their work and impact to reach more Gen Zs across the globe. Having formed this collaboration as both Ascendance’s and ET Boost’s careers took flight, it has been a true joy working with this young, dynamic team to execute their crazy yet creative ideas on a global scale. For example, in November 2023, we successfully assisted them in organizing their annual 48-hour summit, streamed live from ET Boost’s studio in Malaysia. Our team was involved in the entire journey, producing almost 500 pieces of video-based content that comprised the whole 48 hours! Now, that was an adventure!

Despite how much ET Boost has grown, it took some time (especially in the early years) before we made it as a company. There were a lot of trials and errors, from testing what services clients would need, finding the right product-market fit, and even finding the right people for our team. It took time and lots of experience as we learned, adjusted, and restructured ourselves until we found the best way. We are also incredibly fortunate to have crossed paths with generous individuals throughout our business journey who even built us a full-fledged studio in Malaysia, providing us the space to explore, experiment, and bring our ideas to fruition.

For me, it’s all about giving the best to my clients, taking care of their needs, and seeing what more we can provide as we grow together. As my clientele grew and expanded internationally, they enabled us to perfect our skills and bring our expertise to the next level. Learning to meet my client’s growing needs was a blessing in disguise as it charted my company to grow beyond my homeland of Malaysia and enabled me to work with wonderful clients from other countries.

As for myself and my company, ET Boost, we are excited to continuously innovate and share our wealth of ideas, marketing expertise, and branding strategies for individuals and organizations to expand their digital reach. Establishing a solid relationship with our clients is one of the most important values that has enabled us to grow into the full-fledged media house we are today. Looking to 2024, we are excited to continue expanding our clientele by providing the best services to boost our clients’ digital presence.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Atlanta is a beautiful place with many exciting spots!

I loved the vibe that the Chattahoochee Food Hall gave out. It is trendy, with lots of diverse food. You can get anything you want, from Asian to Western food and desserts, all in one place. As a Publicist, I always look for great places where my clients can create content, and this is one place where my client got to do her mini photoshoot while exploring the area.

Another spot is the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center. I had the opportunity to attend an award ceremony with my client, Heerraa (international singer-songwriter). I was in awe of their stage set-up and sound system as I watched her performing her hit song “Feel Alive”. I highly recommend having any of your theatric performances or live shows here!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I wouldn’t be able to do what I am doing today without the support and guidance from my mentor, Elango Thiyagu. A versatile and innovative entrepreneur who founded various successful businesses and a multi-millionaire in his 20s, Elango founded ET Ideas in 2008 as his way of giving back to the community. Retiring as ET Ideas’ CEO in 2018 to make way for the younger team to lead (today led by the 26-year-old Mathura Kannan), ET Ideas is a social business incubator geared toward developing entrepreneurs who are passionate in their fields, anchored on their values, and take time to contribute to the development of society.

His guidance and mentorship opened my mind to truly value myself and my potential. Throughout my career, I have always been a behind-the-scenes person. Although my work may only come into the limelight sometimes, Elango showed me how my role is super important as it enables my clients to do their best onscreen/onstage. As a behind-the-scenes person, my mind is naturally wired to help plan and engineer my clients’ careers. Everything ranging from events to press interviews to video shoots and branding – what you see onscreen or onstage is something that is carefully crafted and meticulously planned, which is a skill I was able to perfect thanks to Elango’s guidance.

Above all, I am always grateful to him and ET Ideas Business Incubator (especially the pioneers in ET Ideas like Joyce, Edward, Nicky, Valsala, Deela and more) for enabling me to be a part of the platform that allowed me to follow my heart in my career and life. Today, I dedicate a lot of my time to guiding other youngsters who would have embarked on similar journeys to mine. ET Ideas has instilled in me the value of nurturing the young as they showed me how unlimited a youngster’s potential is and how they are indeed the future of the world. So, thank you, Elango and ET Ideas, for crafting my beautiful journey!

Website: https://rammyasheiny.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rammya24

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rammyasheiny-rajentheran-b9554558/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rammya24

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ETBoost

Other: https://et-boost.com/

Image Credits
Nicky Cheng from ET Boost

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.