Meet Piper Grigsby | Founder, Director of Care and Services & Professional Health and Wellness Advocate/Consultant

We had the good fortune of connecting with Piper Grigsby and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Piper, maybe we can start at the very start – the idea – how did you come up with the idea for your business?
The idea was created from my 27yrs experience in healthcare, which includes hands-on therapy, care coordination in hospitals, Assisted Livings, home care and patient advocacy. I didn’t want to build just another company that was here today and gone tomorrow. I found a greater mission for us to accomplish, which is simply to make a positive impact in women’s lives by changing the narrative of women’s wellness. Yes, taking their health and wellness journeys from empowerment to action.
All too often I would hear how women were losing faith in the healthcare and medical systems, because they don’t feel they are being heard, feel brushed aside or their concerns are not being taken seriously. I realized women who already feel pressed from their high achieving jobs and caring for others, they do not and will not take out extra time to use a system they don’t trust or don’t know how to use. Because of this one fact alone, women have an increased lack of interest in actively seeking the care and treatments they need to thrive and survive. Because of this one fact alone, we are seeing increasing numbers of chronic illnesses among women such as, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cervical and breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and more. Many of these women are professional women, who have insurance and who have access to healthcare, YET we still see them dying at younger ages.
Women needed a REAL solution. A solution that doesn’t just feed them information but gives them personalized access to the best of the best health and wellness providers and services. A solution that helps them regain trust in the healthcare and medical system again, because their lives depend upon it.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
We are a women’s health and wellness concierge service focused on improving women’s views and use of the healthcare system. Our team of compassionate, caring, dedicated and competent providers (holistic and integrative) know the importance of working together and becoming a trusted partner with women to successfully navigate them through the healthcare and wellness system. Our providers realize the importance and the need of building a greater connection between women and their healthcare and wellness providers, for better outcomes.
Other reports show how females were more likely than males to be unable to get or are delayed in getting needed medical care, dental care, or prescription medicines. We are also seeing many more women who are not seeing their OBGYN’s or other care providers for years at a time. All of these things add to the rising numbers of chronic illnesses women face. You see, I was once one of those women. I moved across country, asked around about a provider I needed. She did not hear me or take in to consideration my needs emotionally or otherwise. I found myself crying on an examination table, instead of focusing on solutions to my health issues. No woman ever deserves this to happen to them and these negative experiences have to stop happening.
We realized we had to do something different. We did not want to just empower women to improve their wellness but it was important to equip them with the right personalized resources, services and tools to do it. Our exclusive provider network of experts teach women and equip them with what they need to be their own wellness champion.
It’s our mission to create that change in a different way. It is not enough for people just to be educated alone but to assist them to build a mindset change that makes change happen. It involves teaching them how to be the best health and wellness advocates for themselves. Finding them all the resources that are available, many they have never heard of before. We continuously discuss the vital need of becoming more active participants in their own wellness, and show them how to successfully do it. As an interactive service, no matter how we serve you, you will always receive a personalized, one of a kind experience with pre-vetted, qualified and compassionate services or care.
I want everyone to know that we have created our concierge service out of a true need in our communities and our passion to care for women who are our mothers, daughters, sisters, friends and colleagues. This is more than just following a trend for us, but successfully fulfilling a necessary need that will leave a greater impact in the lives of women, those they love and the community as a whole.
I am where I am because of my COO, Simone Little, who has been there from Day 1 and not only believed in what we do, she is a bombshell when it comes to systems and bringing my unique vision to life. Also, our amazing health and wellness providers who are involved, because they too wanted to be a part of an impactful positive change. They believe in our vision, the best of their fields, and have the upstanding values and dedication needed to regain women’s trust in the healthcare and wellness system. They don’t just talk about it, they prove it through their service. As in life, it takes a village and we have an amazing one.
No, it was not easy! The saying is, ‘nothing worth having is easy.’ It took some time to take my experience, vision and package it into a service that women needed and would affect care outcomes. It also took determination, dedication and passion. I won’t forget to leave out, I was blessed to build the right team and village at the right time.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Ha this is a good one. I am not originally from here and still ask around myself. I will say, When my best friend does visit I take them to Koko’s Pub for the best crab cakes ever made, Rock n Toss Crab for Crab Legs and then for a dessert Duck Donuts. They make the best ready to order specialty donuts I have ever experienced.
As I am still learning myself, I have heard there are allot of celebrities that were born and raised here like Jada Pinkett Smith, Michael Phelps, Sisqo and others are from here as well. Being from Los Angeles, it was interesting to find out about all the celebrities who actually came from here.. Places to hang out, hmm I’d say maybe the National Harbor. Nice local getaway for the whole family, at least before the pandemic.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I can never speak of my love for serving others via healthcare without acknowledging my great-grandmother. She was the most generous, giving, and loving and caring person I have ever known in my life. She has shown and instilled in me the greatest extent to care for others. You can’t fully serve or care for others if it’s all about money and not integrity and from the heart. During my last year of high school, my internship with an outpatient therapy group gave me the opportunity me to discover my passion and purpose. I immediately was drawn to healthcare and the use of therapeutic modalities, treatments and plans as one means to show my care for people. I love taking them from pain to healing and happiness. I still have that passion and focus today.
Instagram: @pgrigsbyconsulting and @yourdedicatedconcierge
Facebook: @pgrigsbyconsulting
Image Credits
Elena Felton of Belle Imagery Portraits