We had the good fortune of connecting with Omari Washington and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Omari, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
The most important factor behind my success would have to being relentlessly consistently with my goals and aspirations. Everyday I wake up and ask myself what can I do to be thest and then I put a plan together then execute. Also, studying my craft and applying what I learn on set.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Some say I’m a seasoned actor but I’d say I’m more of a passionate actor who loves to express himself through a creative outlet. I feel like what sets me apart in the acting world is the way I allow myself to freefall and be vulnerable in the character’s mind, emotions and world. Once I fully understand the characters why, intentions and motivations it allows me to fully embody the character I’m portraying and see the world through their eyes. When it boils down to it, the amount of passion I put into the roles I play is what really sets me apart. I handle each role with care and compassion to ensure the story isn’t comprimised because of the work I didn’t do. Plus I always research about my character as much as possible before I step on set.

What I’m most proud of would have to be winning 4 best actor awards for my role as Alex in the short film “Gracefully Broken”, which I wrote, produced and starred in. I feel like now people can truly see what I’m capable of in front and behind the camera.

The journey from childhood to where I am now was definitely a hard fought battle that strengthened my character and made me who I am today. I went through a ton of verbal and physical abuse during my childhood from people I thought I could trust which lead to trust issues in my adult life. The silver lining in my story is, acting saved my life. If it wasn’t for acting I probably woudv’e commited suicide when I was younger due to the mental health issues that started to develop. I overcame the challenges at home by spending more time focused on my acting. The stage was my safe space.

I’ve learned so much on this journey, like stopping to smell the roses and not be so commited to your dream that you miss the blessings right in front of you. I also learned that you’re gonna loose a lot of people in your life when you’re chasing a dream. Not everyone is gonna see or believe in your dream like you do and that’s ok because people are in your life for a reason, season or lesson. I also learned to not expect anything from anyone because it’s ultimately a dead end filled with false hope.

I want the world to know about me is that I’m a champion that will continue to prosper and fight through any adversity to get to my destination of greatness.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If I had friends or family visit me in LA I would definitely take them bike riding at Venice Beach, walking down Hollywood Blvd to see that stars, Universal Studios, we would eat at Pink’s hotdogs and go hiking up to the Hollywood sign.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’d love to give a shoutout to my fiance Malina “Bri” Garcia for ALWAYS supporting me in my endeavors. I love and appreciate her so much, she sacrificed SO much for me to live my dreams. Plus she is an AMAZING partner and goes above and deyond to make sure we’re happy.

Also, I’d love to give a shoutout to my uncle Mike and my Aunty Vernell for always being there for me since I was youngster and for supporting my dream as well. When my dad wouldn’t show up for special moments in my life they would be right there supporting me.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/omariwashington?igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg==

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/omariwashing

Youtube: https://youtube.com/@OmariWashington1

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