We had the good fortune of connecting with Nyemade Boiwu and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Nyemade, any advice for those thinking about whether to keep going or to give up?
When you’re trying to build a brand or career there are so many moments that feel like you’re spinning your wheels and it’s time to stop. I have those moments all the time, especially as someone who works in the creative area. Sometimes I feel like there are so many people doing the same thing what’s the point of one more person adding their voice to the noise? When I have those moments I remember the purpose behind everything I do – to be the voice I needed to hear when I was younger so I felt less odd or alone. There have been so many times in my life where I heard one person say something and it had a huge impact on me. That doesn’t mean that individual was the only person saying it. It doesn’t mean that individual said it the best. It just means that person said it in a way that resonated with me. That’s what I strive to be for others. Whether I’m talking about mental health, body positivity, racism, or gender equality my goal is to always help others feel less alone. Knowing that I might help at least one person by speaking up keeps me going.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
To be honest this is already a difficult question for me because I do so many different things. They always say to find your niche but I don’t feel like I have one thing or area I’m interested in. I have a wide range of interest and love doing different things. When I was younger it would frustrate me that I was good at so many things but not great at any one thing. Now that I’m older I realize that being good at so many things is what I’m great at. I’m especially effective at communicating with others and I enjoy doing it. Writing has always been my favorite form of expression. My brain always feels like it’s going a million miles a minutes. So, whenever I get a chance to sit down and really gather my thoughts into words I appreciate it. I’ve loved being the Life Style Editor for Queen Size Magazine because it gives me an outlet for my thoughts on various social issues.

I also enjoy any time I get to meet new people and hear their story. This is why I love doing my IG lives about Mental Health and Self Love as well as moderating discussion about various events for organizations.

I love the time I spend volunteering with various non profits. It’s been a great way to give back in a way that makes a difference while also helping me have a platform to practice my various skills.

I have a lot going on right now and a few projects on the way. I feel swamped but fulfilled. In addition to all my side work I do I work for a corporate bank. I’m proud that I’ve gotten where I am today by building my own table when I was tired of trying to elbow my way to a seat at the table with people who didn’t appreciate my talent and skills.

I’ve learned the importance of not placing the job of determining your worth in the hands of anyone but yourself. You’re worthy just by being you. Someone else not seeing that doesn’t make you any less worthy. Someone not noticing your talents doesn’t take away from your skills. I got to the point where I realized that I could stay where I was, being frustrated at being taken for granted, or I could create a space for myself to do what I love.

It hasn’t always been easy but it’s been worth it. Whether I”m creating content myself or doing a social media consultation for a brand trying to grow they’re social media presence – I enjoy it. My goal is to help others feel like their not alone. Sometimes that takes having vulnerable moments about different things I’m going through in my life. While those moments may be hard they’re always worth it when someone reaches out to me after to say how much my words or video helped them.

I’m huge believer that “your vibe attracts your tribe”. I strive to be authentically myself so that I continue to attract the right people into my life.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
To be honest I’m still new to the city so I don’t know many places. I was JUST about to start my Sunday Fundays (doing something new and different every Sunday) when COVID hit. The park is always a great place to see people and get in some fresh air. I love being outside. The sun fills me with happiness so any time I get out and soak some in is a good time for me.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
CeCe Olisa deserves a huge Shoutout for where I am today. I”m doing a lot of things that I’ve always wanted to do and I’m succeeding in them. I’ve always known it was inside of me but I kept saying, “once I lose weight I’m going to …”. That was, until I heard Cece say, “Don’t wait on your weight to live the life you want.” That moment changed my life – literally. After I heard that I decided I was no longer going to keep waiting to pursue my dreams and share my talents. I dove headfirst into creating the life I want to live. It’s been about 4 years now and I have quite a ways to go but I’ve come SO far and I’m enjoying the journey to my goals.

I also want to shoutout my mom. I am the person I am today because of how she raised me. My drive, my work ethic, my confidence, my compassion – it all comes from her. She’s always been my number one cheerleader and knowing that she’s proud of me no matter what helps me to be fearless when pursuing new opportunities.

Website: www.thatafricanbutterfly.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatafricanbutterfly/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thatabutterfly

Facebook: http://facebook.com/thatafricanbutterfly

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQulFPcHODUJmiaPSl4uKQ/featured

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlana is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.