We had the good fortune of connecting with Nicolas & Jeni Donck and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Nicolas & Jeni, let’s start by talking about what inspires you?
Working to leave the world a better place than we found it, is the inspiration behind why we grow food organically and have been for almost 30 years. We live in a very fast paced society where instant gratification is available in so many aspects of life without much thought about the impact that our current actions may have on future generations. We prefer to tread lightly and slowly on the earth by realizing that each decision we make affects seven generations to come after us. Growing food ‘beyond organically’ without the use of synthetic fertilizers or chemical herbicides or pesticides ensures that we are working in harmony with Mother Nature and not against her. By utilizing organic, regenerative and biodynamic farming practices, we are working each day to improve this land that we call Crystal Organic Farm.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
We like to say that farming is all about ‘minimizing failure’, so no, farming is not easy or predictable. It has taught us to be elastic and flexible, as we must grow and stretch and adapt at a moments notice when something changes. In every moment of farming, we are working with the great force which is Mother Nature. The weather, seasons, animals, pest, disease are all unpredictable and ever-changing, so we must learn to change with them. It helps to let go and sometimes go to bed realizing you’ve done the best you can and tomorrow will be a chance to try again.

We feel that we truly walk the walk of organic farming, in that we buy any produce, dairy, meat or other goods not grown on the farm from other small farmers. We support beyond organic practices and the people who are using those practices. We believe that true health starts with what we feed our bodies and their is no greater medicine than the food we eat!

Over the past few years, we have expanded our farm to include growing a large variety of medicinal plants which we sell locally and ship around the country to small batch apothecary’s and medicine makers. We feel that growing medicinal plants is vitally important, as these plants offer support and easy to utilize medicine in the forms of teas, tinctures and salves. It is deeply empowering for people to work with medicinal plants to support themselves, their family and their community.

We invite anyone to visit The Farm Store or The Farm Apothecary on our website to shop and check out all of our offerings!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
We have customers who have supported our farm for almost 30 years. We’ve seen their kids grow up and now, they purchase food from our farm. First and foremost, it’s the love and support of our customers who have allowed us to do this work that we love for so many years. These customers recognize the importance of not only choosing organic food, but supporting local food systems and small scale farmers.

Website: www.crystalorganicfarm.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crystalorganicfarm/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crystalorganicfarm

Other: Visit our website to Shop our fruits, veggies, flowers, medicinal plants and more year-round.

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.