We had the good fortune of connecting with Mikita Nelson and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Mikita, putting aside the decision to work for yourself, what other decisions were critical to your success?
The decision to truly believe in myself has been the most pivotal factor in my success as an entrepreneur, second only to deciding to start my own business.

Having unwavering self-belief was critical. It powered my resilience, momentum, and determination to push through all the inevitable challenges and setbacks I faced when starting my own business. The path to success was far from straight, filled with moments of doubt and temptation to quit.

In those early days of allowing an idea to unfold and nurturing it, there were so many times I felt overwhelmed. But the decision to fundamentally believe in my vision, abilities, and potential kept me going even when the future seemed uncertain. Self-belief bred resilience

It also deeply shaped my actions. Backing myself fully gave me the confidence to take calculated risks, trust the process, embrace being guided in partnership and collaboration with a higher force/divine source, set ambitious goals, and project the conviction that helped attract talent, divine guidance, and customers to buy into my ideas. People are naturally drawn to those who demonstrate genuine belief.

Moreover, having unshakeable self-belief motivated me to constantly level up my skills, knowledge, and performance to live up to my lofty expectations of myself. A lack of self-belief breeds complacency, but my self-confidence pushed me to keep evolving.

Most importantly, maintaining self-belief was an inexhaustible source of motivation, momentum, and drive during the long, arduous entrepreneurial journey.

When you make that core decision to internalize the reality that you can achieve your goals through commitment and perseverance, it’s easier to tap into that drive during adversity.

Of course, developing such rock-solid self-belief wasn’t automatic – it took conscious work like

1. Creating a safe space to identify and change limiting beliefs that could undermine my confidence or stifle my creative energy /power.

2. Understanding and embracing entrepreneurship as a transformative process, healing deep-seated emotional and generational trauma, and setting a positive foundation for future generations.

3. Supportive self-talk and choosing to have a caring, loving, empowering inner dialogue to reinforce unwavering faith in myself.

Making that proactive decision to nurture unshakeable self-confidence was vital and set the foundation for everything to come.

Making the proactive decision to cultivate this unshakeable self-belief was vital and set the foundation for all my achievements. It taught me that when we truly believe in our ability to achieve something through commitment and perseverance, we unlock an inexhaustible source of momentum and drive, guiding us through adversity and toward success. It’s in you not on you, believe in yourself.

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Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
What sets me apart is that I understand my customers because I have been in their shoes. As an Independent Artist Manager and A&R Executive, I’ve seen how difficult it is for artists and creators to access the guidance, resources, and support they need without an A&R manager.

This challenge inspired me to create Myxxy, the world’s first AI-powered A&R manager. Our mission is to ensure every music professional has the support they need to succeed.

I’m most proud of the impact we’ve already made by launching our MVP in October 2023 and remarkably generating revenue within just 3 days. But beyond the financials, I beam with pride knowing we’ve connected creators with free exposure and funding opportunities during our early stages of inception.

We witnessed our members secure their first music licensing deal, publishing deal, festival slot, grants, and more.

Was this journey easy? It could have been smoother if I had fully trusted in my inevitable success from the start instead of allowing self-doubt to linger. I’ve learned that leaning into your differentiation and backing your vision wholeheartedly is crucial.

How did I get here? By not skipping steps and allowing my journey to unfold organically. It all started when I landed my first internship at a recording studio while attending Clark Atlanta University. That experience spiraled into paid work, then A&R roles and artist management – witnessing firsthand the hurdles indie creators face breaking into the music industry.

The biggest lesson? Experimentation leads to expertise, which leads to authority and value creation. Once you understand how something works at its core, the possibilities for disruption through creative solutions are infinite.

I want the world to know: WE ARE FOATB

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If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
The first stop for sure straight off the plane is The Breakfast Boys in College Park. Chastin Park for some good vibes and grounding, Coldstone, Banning Mills Adventure Tower Bridge, Sliding Rock, Slutty Vegan, Tassili’s Raw Reality Café, The Black Hair Experience, Trap Music Museum, The Painted Pin, Revery VR Bar, Hoot Owl Attic Metaphysical, so many things lol

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Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
First and foremost, I would like to shout out my friend Alice. For the past 4 years, she has been an unwavering source of love, encouragement, and support as I pursued my entrepreneurial dreams. The path has been filled with ups and downs, but Alice was always my solid rock, believing in me even when I doubted myself. Her patience, understanding, and steadfast presence gave me the fortitude to keep pushing forward. I quite literally would not be where I am today without her by my side.

I also have to express deep gratitude to Katie Belle, an amazing talented artist whose career I am currently guiding as an A&R manager. Katie’s belief and trust in me as her A&R, friend, and advisor/mentor has provided incredible motivation during some of my most challenging times. Seeing her talent flourish under my guidance reaffirmed my sense of purpose and capability. Her faith in me deserves so much credit.

Finally, I need to shout out the person who never stopped backing me – me. There were countless moments when giving up seemed like the easier choice, but I refused to quit on myself. Summoning the grit and self-belief to persist despite the obstacles was certainly not easy, but it ultimately made all the difference.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my resilience. Success is never accomplished alone. While I put in the work, I had invaluable sources of inspiration and support that kept me going. Alice and Katie were essential pillars that made this journey possible. They all deserve tremendous recognition and thanks.

Website: https://www.trymyxxy.com/

Instagram: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikitanelson/

Linkedin: https://www.instagram.com/ogthesupreme/

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Image Credits
Majid @halfpast.life

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.