Meet Mama Jan” Smith | Music Producer

We had the good fortune of connecting with “Mama Jan” Smith and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi “Mama Jan”, is there a quote or affirmation that’s meaningful to you?
“May the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”
I speak this verse of scripture out loud every morning of my life. It helps to remind me to keep my mouth in check, to be kind, honest, and loving at all cost, and to always remember that I don’t answer to this world for my thoughts and actions, but to God. It keeps everything in perspective for me.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
It’s been quite the “Forrest Gump” story for me, honestly. I started out as a young singer/songwriter with the aspirations of any artist — to achieve success doing what I love most, creating and performing my music. From there to here, it’s been a whole lot of that and a whole lot more. Being in and around studios most of my life taught me a skillset that most people wouldn’t acquire, so it rather created the opportunity for me to be uniquely useful in sessions working with other singers. I always say that God just had another plan for me and honed my skills for 30+ years so that I could be the “go to girl” for all things vocal in the music industry. There’ve been a LOT of twists and turns along the way, and certainly I’ve made mistakes, but learning from all of that is part of what has contributed to my success. I think the most important things I’ve learned is the truth works, authenticity is always in style, helping other people shine never diminishes your own light, and God is always greater. I would want the world to know that at Jan Smith Studios, there is a unique collective of creatives who are excellent at what we do and who truly love helping other people shine.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
So … this will sound sideways, I’m sure, but the place we would spend the most time would be at the studio … or at my house. If/when people come to see me, they are typically coming for that experience or just to hang out with me.
As far as fun, interesting, exciting people … that all happens on a weekly (if not daily) basis at Mama’s Music House!
Eating out would likely be Sushi Eight, Top Spice, Flower Child, Hibachi Grill, or some other place that has really excellent food and service (there are TONS of great choices in and around Atlanta). OR I’d cook 🙂
As for the rest of it, been there, done that and it’s not all that interesting if I’m not working. Spending quality time with people matters most.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Nobody ever obtains success alone. In the music industry we always say, “It takes a village,” which is very true when it comes to all the creative teams who invest their talents to help build and prop up the brands and “front runners” who get most of the attention.
For me, I did start out as a one-woman operation, but VERY quickly realized that training someone else to work alongside me, allowed the business and clientele to grow — so that we could help more people.
Heidi Huelskoetter was the first person I trained, first as a client and then as a vocal coach, to work with me. She continues to be one of my most trusted friends and a colleague for over 30-years now, still working alongside me. It’s this very ideology that has created the unique culture known as Jan Smith Studios.
Instagram: MamaJanMusic
Linkedin: Mama Jan Smith
Twitter: MamaJanMusic
Facebook: MamaJanMusic
Youtube: MamaJanMusic
Other: Imdb: Mama Jan Smith
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