We had the good fortune of connecting with Kristin Replogle and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kristin, what’s the end goal, career-wise?
I view my work as more of a calling than a business. All of my art comes from dreams and visions and are accompanied by a message or a prayer. I received this gift after God did a healing miracle in me. I have come to believe that each piece truly belongs to someone.

My end goal would be to know that I painted each image I was given and wrote each prayer or message I was given. I want to know each piece of art and message was delivered into the hands of the one to whom it belongs. I want to know that I did my best and tried my hardest. I believe that knowledge would give me peace at the end of my career. But as an artist, we never truly retire or stop or end our carreers. The desire to create is too deep within us. We continue to create in some capacity until we are called home.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
In 2003, my life was radically changed when I was diagnosed with B- Cell lymphoma. While God and man healed me of lymphoma, God did a healing miracle in me by ridding my body of a fatal blood clot that could not be cured by man or medicine. That moment in time altered the direction of my life and art.

Since the miracle, I slowly began receiving images in dreams and visions to paint. As time went on, the images became more frequent, sometimes multiple images in a night. The images in my dreams are vivid and intense. They will wake me during the night or early morning. I keep a journal by my bed, and I will rise and sketch the images I am given and make notes regarding color and composition. While creating the images I receive from dreams, I also receive messages of love or prayers with their response from God that corresponds with each image. I then write these messages or prayers on the back of each piece. Upon completion, I hold and pray over each piece.

What truly excites me is I have come to understand and know each piece I create truly belongs to someone. I view my work as a love letter from God, complete with a unique picture. He sees us, hears us, is mindful of us , and most of all, loves us deeply. I see myself as simply the messenger. When a piece falls into the right hands, it is a true and beautiful gift to witness the Spirit move and touch someone’s heart with my art and message. My art has gone around the world.

One of my greatest challenges has been having patience and knowing that my work and path as an artist is and looks very different from other artists. My art speaks to the heart and soul. I work very hard to keep my focus on creating the images I am given and writing the messages I am given and not getting distracted by the world.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
If I had a friend visiting me, we would head to the North Georgia mountains to go hiking along the Appalachian Trail.  In the spring, the rhododendrons are in full bloom and the views of waterfalls and the tops of mountains are stunning.  It is also fun to witness hikers beginning their long journey up to Maine at the beginning of the trail at Springer Mountain.  Their faces are full of joy and expectation.  But, one of my favorite hikes along this trail is Blood Mountain.

Our state is so diverse in its landscape. We have beautiful mountains and a beautiful coast. If we headed into the city, I would definitely take them to Buford Highway to experience all of the different restaurants. I am a foodie. I love to try and experience foods from different cultures. I also enjoy perusing international grocery stores for new foods to try and spices to cook with. After the city, I would head coastward to the low country. I love the old oak trees with Spanish moss hanging in them and the salt marshes. They give me such a deep sense of peace. And of course a visit to the ocean for a walk on the beach is a must.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I want to honor my husband, Marc. I would not be where I am without his help and assistance. While I was sick with lymphoma 20 years ago, he cared for our children, worked full-time, and literally carried me when I could not walk. He honored his commitment to our wedding vows; to care for me in sickness and health. He has been a constance source of support and encouragement to me. Once again, although he works full time as a self employed attorney, he cuts up all of the wood pieces I paint on and sands them. He edits the messages and prayers I am given because I am a little dyslexic. Marc helps me set up my booth at all of my art shows and is at my side to help with whatever I need. I am so blessed.

Website: https://kristinreplogle.artstorefronts.com

Instagram: @kristinreplogleart

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.