We had the good fortune of connecting with Kirsten Carter and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kirsten, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking.
I am a proponent for taking calculated risks. Obviously, we know that taking a calculated risk means that the possible gain is worth more than the potential loss. Have I always felt like this? Yes and No. When I was younger, I was a self-proclaimed rebel. I wasn’t afraid of much and I would take on risks all the time. Most of the time it led to getting put on punishment by my parents but I felt like the risk was worth it most of the time. Once I graduated college and got into the “real world”, my views changed. I began a career in corporate America and taking risks were looked down upon. I quickly learned that I must follow the rules and do as they say or my job was on the line. I became more conservative in most aspects of my life: the way I wore my hair, my clothing and suppressing my thoughts and emotions on situations, issues or topics I felt were important to me. Fast forward to 2016, my life and views took a shift. I was extremely stressed out and decided that I was done working a job that was unfulfilling personally and professionally. I started my business Purposed2Motivate and took a huge risk by moving to Atlanta, GA shortly after. I moved to Atlanta with no job, only savings. Since I am a Christian, my faith plays a huge role in the risks I take. Before I take on any risk, I pray about it first and do my research on whatever it is. Once I am led to make a move, I put my trust in God and go for it. I have been in Atlanta for 4 years. In the time I have been in Atlanta, I’ve been hired at a company that got me on my feet, I was married and recently published my first book. I have achieved all of this because I took the biggest risk in my life to date by leaving everything behind: A job of 6 years, friends, family and hobbies etc. Doing this has also allowed me to take more risks with smaller things like the way I wear my hair as an African American professional and business woman. I used to worry about being taken seriously if I wore my hair a certain way. Now, I don’t. It’s a snowball effect in other areas in your life once you take that first step. It is so liberating! Taking risks can be very uncomfortable at first; however, once you have taken the necessary steps to prepare: Pray, research, budget etc, the only direction from there is Up!

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
My business is Purposed2Motivate, LLC. I started my business in 2016 and launched publicly in 2018. I am a coach, speaker and now author, with a focus on helping Millennials and Gen-Z find and fulfill their passion and purpose through career or business. What sets my business apart from others is the fact that I have lived everything I talk and coach about. I am able to put myself in the client’s shoes because I have been there once before. I didn’t just take a few classes to learn it, I’ve lived it. I have recently published my first book: The Purposed Journey: A Millennial and Gen-Z’s Guide to Finding and Fulfilling Their Passion and Purpose through Career or Business. The book contains 5 steps to finding out your passion and purpose and how to turn that into a career or business that will be fulfilling. I use examples from my own story to relate back to the reader and how I got to where I am now. My story and journey has not been easy at all. I have had to overcome several obstacles along the way. I have learned that something worth having is worth fighting for. I’ve also learned that it’s OK to take a break and readjust, as long as you get back up and continue the journey. With hard-work, dedication and perseverance, I am still standing. I want the world to know that I am no different than you. I am just a woman who yearned for purpose in this world and took the necessary steps to figure it out and go for it. Helping other people find a career or business that relates to their gifts and talents means the world to me. This isn’t just a business, this is my passion and my purpose.

Any great local spots you’d like to shoutout?
If my friend was visiting for a week, we’d have to visit one of the state parks for a hike and view the beautiful waterfalls. Stone Mountain is also must to view the city from the sky. I’d love to take her to Chateau Elan for a day of wine tasting and site seeing. Next we’d visit some of the many delicious restaurants in the city. From the hole in the walls to the fanciest of feasts! Let’s not forget sports. Depending on the time of year, I’d take her to see the Hawks or Falcons play. Perhaps even the Braves. We’d go shopping at one of the many malls here, Phipps or the outlet mall in Dawsonville. A girl has to have her a good manicure and pedicure, so we’ll get that done. I can’t forget a lounge or two for live music and drinks. Sweet Georgia’s Juke Joint is a must!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I would like to dedicate my shoutout to my husband Ryan. Ryan is my biggest cheerleader and motivator. He has encouraged and supported me 100% in everything I have set my mind to. When I don’t believe in myself, he believes in me. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for his love and support. Thank you baby for everything!

Website: purposed2motivate.com
Instagram: instagram.com/_kirstencarter
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/kirstencarter16
Facebook: facebook.com/Purposed2Motivate
Youtube: Purposed2Motivate

Image Credits
Photos By Rose Digital Reveries Media