We had the good fortune of connecting with Kelly Laws and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kelly, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
First, a little bit about who I am. The journey was not easy but with the Lord, all things are possible. When I started out in education as a substitute teacher back in 1994, I had no idea I would still be in the game after all these years. From a little girl, I wanted to be a fashion buyer living in NYC and attend fashion shows worldwide. I had no idea that the education road would lead to fulfillment and destiny.

I was always a disruptor in education. Even back then I was trying to organize marches to Washington DC to invoke changes to policies but it wasn’t time. A great lesson I learned along the way was to wait on the Lord and His timing. His timing is perfect! When He says go, don’t hesitate.
My business was launched during the pandemic out of frustration as I, like other educators, watched in horror as our nation struggled to effectively implement eLearning to help our students remain educated. I had just left the classroom as a teacher to become a behavior specialist where I modified behaviors and monitored attendance. During this time, over 100+ students were absent daily. Can you imagine loosing sight of 100 or more students and not sure as to why they were not logging into their virtual classrooms? What would that look once they returned and would they be mentally and emotionally prepared to re-enter the classroom were the questions that concerned me. Also, imagine having to give a quick training to teachers who had little to no experience in a virtual classroom. This led me to create an eLearning proposal, “The Emergency E-Learning Plan for Public Schools in The United States of America” to make sure this does not happen to our nation’s schools, teachers, or students again. The eLearning plan will equip our schools to implement monthly drills that will help prepare our nation’s schools for national or global emergencies. These emergencies could be weather related, pandemics, or a war.

Several months ago, I had an in person audience with my State Representative where I had the opportunity to discuss my vision with her. She said she would look into the proposal to see if she could help out. My goal is to take the proposal to congress to bring light to our lack of preparation in case of another emergency and our need for an act or mandate that will require all schools to practice monthly eLearning drills. These drills will ensure that our teachers, students, and parents are trained and prepared for eLearning. This plan would require our nation to teach one subject per day for 3 hours per day online while they and their students are at home. To support this plan, I am currently collecting data from over 100 educators nationwide who are sharing their experiences during the pandemic, what they experienced, and what needs to be improved as we move forward. I wanted to collect my own data so that their voices would be heard. This data will be given to my State Representative for support in the eLearning proposal. 

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Kelly E Laws Consulting Firm was first called, In Purpose On Purpose Vision Coaching where I offered vision mapping to individuals to help educators and beauty industry professionals evolve and pivot during the pandemic. When I consult with my clients, I help bring clarity and organization to their business visions. Many people do not know what they want to do or how they want to do it but they do have a general idea. That’s where I step in. I help bring clarity, vision, and organization to their business vision maps that they can later turn into a business plan. I believe you need to see it before you can create it. I help them visualize who they need to hire and will their employee represent their company and their vision. Will they need a personal assistant and what will their assistant’s duties be? Will they have a physical building or will they have a virtual business. I help them plan out every detail of their business vision from what their clients will see, hear, and smell when they walk in their businesses, where they see their business in 5, 10, and 20 years, and so much more. Sidenote, I just wrote a book that helps with vision mapping and it can be found on my website.

When I begin to work with schools and districts, the need will be to upgrade school systems to help equip our 21st century global learners to become global citizens. Our schools need to be updated especially in the area of technology and innovation and that is what my future team will do when we enter the schools. We will evaluate, advise, update, and launch the new version to help move our nation back to global dominance in education.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
First, I would take my friend out to eat. Probably someplace downtown to enjoya great lunch or dinner. I love Cuban and Thai so it would definitely be a Thai or Cuban restaurant downtown.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I want to shout out Jesus for giving me an incredible gift and the passion for change to share with the world! Thank you!!! My mother who is now deceased, Joyce Ann Laws, the first disruptor, dreamer, and change maker. My father who is also deceased who had a love for mankind. Thank you! I want to shout out my daughter, Lauren Laws, for being supportive in my business ventures and supporting my passion for educational change! She is my biggest cheerleader! I also want to shout out Allegra Jackson, my business coach and CEO of the WIN Community, who sees that greatness, the vision and the call! Thank you Allegra! And, my former student Calvin Larkins, the entrepreneur, who has been a bountiful source of resources and inspiration! Thank you Calvin!!! When you plant good seeds you will surely reap! My cousin Tracey for listening to my pains and frustrations, praying for me when I needed it, and for being a friend. Thank you Tracey! My sis Lavonne Jarrett, the Prayer Warrior who has been my safe place where I pour out in transparency, receive prayer and encouragement to keep going. Love you sis!!

To M’onique Hutchinson who has also been a source of encouragement and who filled me with tons of ELA resources, the curriculum expert, love you sis!!!  To all my family, friends and Divine connections, thank you!

Website: www.thekellylaws.com

Instagram: kelly_e_laws

Linkedin: Kelly Laws

Other: Threads: kelly_e_laws@threads.net Tik Tok: @kellygirl1966

Image Credits
Image credits belong to Amari Ferguson

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.