We had the good fortune of connecting with Keith Smith and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Keith, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
I think about risk as a necessary component of success in a career. Playing it safe never takes you to your full potential. I find it true what is said about risk: high risk, high reward. Taking risks is important because there is always a learning experience hidden within the risk as well. Taking risks has a huge role in my life and career because of the lessons involved. When you take a risk and fail, you can either choose to let it haunt you and diminish your passion, or you can learn what you did wrong and take the same risk again with an adjusted plan. The more you adjust and see the importance of precision, the better your chances of achieving success with the risk being taken. This is important for modeling, because putting yourself out there to get that job that can sky rocket your career is something you should never be afraid of.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I got to where I am today from my industry connections, friends, my modeling agency, and instagram. I can certainly thank my work ethic, determination, and precision for achieving my success. This is also a field where people skills are very important. Being able to be comfortable with talking and taking pictures infront of people you are not familiar with is extremely key. Comfort is important because it definitely shows when you are not. The only way to gain the comfort in this field is to get out there and do the work. You must take on the challenges head-on with no fear. This is the mindset you have to go with in order to achieve in the industry. I want the world to know that you are the only person stopping yourself from getting to where you want to be. Never make excuses, only research ways to achieve your goals and put them into action. I want to world to know I am coming full-steam, and I mean business.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Definitely going to Lennox Mall and eating at rooftop bars!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Locke Models. The modeling agency I signed to in 2019. Since signing with them, I have learned so much about the industry and worked many jobs. I have been put infront of a lot of industry professionals, and I am forever grateful for their work.

Website: http://lockemodels.com/view/2147/keith-smith?fbclid=PAAab2AatfsEaNn-fMBua-QX14FCmQMYvPUPWXtzm2NN3iFTGARtHE6-1lkzQ

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/modelkeith

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