We had the good fortune of connecting with Jozee Moton and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jozee, do you have some perspective or insight you can share with us on the question of when someone should give up versus when they should keep going?
Does it bring you peace? Can you see yourself doing it regardless if people acknowledge you? Can you see yourself doing it for the rest of your life? Are you willing to put the time into it? These are some of the questions I ask myself when determining if something is for me.

In my opinion, understanding that something may not be for you isn’t giving up, Giving up is when you are actually really good at something but, the work is challenging so, you just stop doing it.

Don’t be afraid of being a beginner but, also don’t forget to be honest with yourself about what you are doing. Honesty in any line of work will benefit one more than continuing knowing that there is no actual improvement.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
In my opinion, my willingness to be open-minded and my love for the craft is what sets me apart from most artist. I love different genres of music so, i’m always thinking about ways to push the sound of what is considered “r&b” and challenging myself as songwriter. I am where I am today because I didn’t give up. The journey hasn’t always been easy but, I believe that anything worth having is going to be challenging in the beginning. That’s not to say I have it all figured out; I’m still learning and growing as an artist. I got a long way too go but, I’m enjoying the journey. I overcame a lot of my challenges because of my support system. They have always tried to lift me up in anyway they possibly could. Their belief in me even when I didn’t believe in myself kept me pushing.

Two of the most important lessons i’ve learned so far in my career is to be teachable and always take the opportunity to truly build genuine connections with people. Being teachable skyrockets growth…I love putting myself around people better than me. There is no greater feeling in the world than getting some good criticism and taking the advice, making the changes, and seeing better results. Networking is everything in any career field. You just never know when the phone call could be the one that changes everything for you or their talents maybe exactly what you need.

I want the world to know that if you have a dream, it can become a reality. Stay the course, nothing amazing is created overnight. I’m a new upcoming artist with tons of ideas so, stay tuned. i can’t wait to share my work with you all.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I honestly don’t go out much but, if you are in the city you should go visit the Skyview Ferris Wheel. The Skyview gives a beautiful view of the city especially at night. If you like wings, hibachi and/or pasta, go check out Hungry Af…I can’t even begin to explain how good those wings are! If you are an artist like me and need somewhere to rehearse go check out CrushHouse Arts entertainment. They are a one stop for everything you need and the customer service is top tier.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My grandmother; Emma Rhynes.

I wouldn’t be doing music without my grandmother. She really pushed me when I was growing up. My grandmother helped me buy the equipment for my first home studio when I first started producing and recording. She has been to every performance I’ve ever had. She’s been my hair stylist, makeup artist, camera person, and personal assistant. Any time i’ve called her for anything she has been there with no hesitations.

Website: https://www.jozeemotonmusic.com

Instagram: @jozeemoton

Facebook: Jozee Moton

Youtube: Jozee Moton

Image Credits
Aaron Brown, Jordan Nixon, Kayla Smith, and Chris Shumphard

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