We had the good fortune of connecting with Jasmine Ahnie and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jasmine, is there a quote or affirmation that’s meaningful to you?
My favorite quote actually comes from my mother. When I was a little girl, my mother use to always tell me that “if the worst case scenario is that someone’s going to say no, go for it.” She never wanted me to miss a possible opportunity due to fear of rejection.

That has always been huge for me because it really simplifies things and puts things into perspective. As artists and entrepreneurs, we can get so wrapped up in fear of rejection and the word “no,” that we can talk ourselves out of great things and stunt our own growth.

That quote from my mom has helped me to push myself and to go for things, even if I don’t know how. It has helped me to not be afraid to be seen trying – to just start, and figure the rest out as I go. All in all, that quote has helped me to avoid being stagnant in the pursuit of my goals, and I’m so thankful for her wise words.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
The Creators’ Brand offers merch and events for creative people. I founded The Creators’ Brand to provide a space for people in all types of creative industries to supporter and encourage each other, as well as be loud and proud about their craft. What I love about my business is that it’s not just geared towards one creative industry. The Creators’ Brand is for ALL creators. One of my goals with my business is to bring all types of creators together in different ways to collaborate, uplift each other and build together. There’s room for all of us!

Building this business has not been the easiest. When I formed my LLC in 2021, I had no prior knowledge of starting a business and being an entrepreneur. But instead of putting it off until I was “ready,” I just jumped in and have been figuring it out along the way! I have so many ideas for The Creators’ Brand, some of which I’m not even sure how to execute just yet. But one thing that helps me to not get overwhelmed is to tackle one thing at a time. Because I don’t have a team yet, I am my own Sales Manager, Event Curator, Social Media Coordinator, Host…the list goes on! So executing one thing at a time helps me to stay organized and sane.

Last year, I launched the events sector of my business, and it was scary but so worth it. This year you can expect more events! There will be more opportunities to show off your work, connect with other creators, provide a word of encouragement, feel a sense of belonging, and enjoy life as the talented creator you are.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
First of all, absolutely nothing I do is possible without God. Everything I have and everything I’ve been able to accomplish thus far would not have been possible if God didn’t allow it. I consult Him with every move I make, and am so thankful for the relationship I have with Him.

Here on Earth, my mom is my ultimate support and biggest fan. She gives me countless ideas and shows up for me in so many ways. Whether it’s brainstorming ideas with me, promoting my business, or physically showing up to my events and shows, my mom always makes the time to show me she cares, and I’m so grateful for her.

I also appreciate every single person that has shown support in any way. From friends, to family and even strangers, nothing goes unnoticed, and, from the biggest to the smallest gesture, I’m always appreciative when someone shows up for me.

Website: www.TheCreatorsBrand.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/JasmineAhnie & www.instagram.com/TheCreatorsBrand

Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@jasmine.ahnie and  https://www.tiktok.com/@thecreatorsbrand

Image Credits
Upward Vizions Maude Images Kolubah Yantawood

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