We had the good fortune of connecting with Izzy Spears and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Izzy, do you have any habits that you feel contribute to your effectiveness?
Three habits that have contributed the most to my success: I am always asking questions, always learning and always sticking to the plan. I ask questions for two reasons, I am a very curious person and I know I don’t know everything. This leads to my second habit, learning. Learning is something that I understand is essential for success. The world is changing daily. I understand that obtaining knowledge is the best way to keep up. Lastly and probably the most important habit, I make a plan and stick to it. Success is hard to find when one is always switching things up. Making a plan and sticking to it allows for the measure of both failures and success.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am a creative, marketing professional and entrepreneur. Professionally, I have worked as a public relations and marketing professional for a wide range of brands from Fortune 500 to small mom and pops. As an entrepreneur, I love to focus on aspects of business that can inspire, educate and include. I own two digital publications (Red PaSH Magazine and PaSH Magazine), an ecommerce store, Plurvy and a boutique marketing firm (Southern PaSH). We work hard to give brands the tools they need to succeed via our marketing firm. I work so hard within my business due to the fact that via my business, I can make opportunity for myself vs waiting for someone to give me a chance. I am most excited about the opportunity to use my business to shine positive light on minorities, women and body positivity. I also enjoy using my business to help other women. Plurvy is here to remind women, of all body sizes, that they are beautiful, just the way they are. Lessons I have learned along the way include, never giving up, believing in yourself and sacrifice. Nothing worth having comes easily. A hard lesson that I have learned is that sometimes your friends, family and loved ones won’t understand your vision and won’t be there to support you. Don’t get caught up on what other think. Push forward within your purpose, after all, the vision is yours not theirs.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
The journey to finding success is often lonely, but never completely done alone. I have to thank my husband and my son for their love and support. As well as my sisters for helping me host events, administrative work, sales and more. I would also have to give credit to a number of amazing groups on Facebook. These groups give me knowledge, support, and a place to ask questions and even vent. Being part of communities of like minded people is very important. Lastly, I read books such as The Tipping Point, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Art of War and The Richest Man in Babylon.

Website: www.izzyspears.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izzy_spears/?hl=en

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO1mQ98Z4NOJucjKqYB_D1Q

Image Credits
Marcus Broderick

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