We had the good fortune of connecting with Gary B Roane Jr and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Gary B, do you have a budget? how do you think about personal finances?
Do I have a Budget? Yes I have a great budget. I was not always like I am now. I use to live by the sit of my pants. You know young and crazy, lol. Well my budget now includes me using credit cards for everything. I have starting using automation to keep me on track of everything also. It’s only one bill that I pay that involves cash. That’s because the business doesn’t have online paying.
How do I think about personal finances? I’m a retired veteran so, I live on one check. I’m always on top of my finances. I don’t let one check stop me from living. I put my money in places that work for me. I have six bank account and every one does something different for me. You have to be financial literate and understand money.
How do I make lifestyle and spending decisions? Well that’s easy. I try and make me a schedule of things I want to do and Places I may want to go. If it doesn’t fit into my budget I don’t go. But let’s say I really do want to do it. I plan ahead and I make it happen. I have caught myself buying things I really don’t need, but I try hard just to be real with myself. Wal-Mart is my devil. I can’t stick to a list when I go there. So, I only go once a month and do everything I need to do at one time.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
G.B. ROANE JR FINANCIAL LLC is a not-for-profit company. It’s funny you asked this question. I first started my company to become rich. That’s the real reason I got into finance. I seen people making a lot of money. So, I got more into it and started realizing I can’t do this to people who don’t understand their own finances. I prayed on it and GOD said then teach and I’ll make you rich in other ways. I’m not a church going person, but I am a person of faith. So, I changed my business model and made it educational. I decided teach people to understand their finances.
When I see one of the people I helped get a house, car, take a trip and they now know how to handle their money right, I did my job. I got to where I am today because of the money issues I had in my life, with no one to tell me what or how to get back on track. All of us don’t learn the same. I fit it to the person.
I have not over-came all the challenges just yet. But I’m almost there. I learned that it’s not money that makes you rich in life, it’s how you feel about yourself and the things you are doing to better yourself as you grow everyday. I want the world to know that they can make all the money in the world and still hate life. There’s times I have said I was happier when I didn’t have the money.
I’m glad I can pay bills and live, but I’m not happy because of the money. Know this about me and my brand I’m a real person like you. I had learn and became financially literate to get to where am at now.
Please take the time to understand your money.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Wow, this is a very hard question for me. It’s so, most places in the city to go I don’t have a favorite spot. It’s based on how I’m feeling that day and if it’s a male or female that’s visiting. The kind of things they like. I don’t really drink and when it comes to eating I love me some pasta. This is funny to me but I love riding the Marta train. Then let’s go to football or basketball game. Plus i just like riding around the city people watching.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
First and foremost GOD!!!! Then my Father and Mother they have kept me grounded for years. This military for teaching me how to be a great leader. I also volunteer with the Red Cross. I have learned so, much about people doing what I do. I want to shout out to everyone who said a High School dropout, I person with a learning disability, a mental illness, retired veteran would not make anything of himself.
Website: gbroanejrfinancial.com
Instagram: gbroanefinancial
Twitter: gbroanejr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thinkingcredit
Image Credits
Gary B. Roane, Jr